Message from the chair

Hello all

I hope that however you are spending the Christmas break it is a peaceful and happy time for you and yours.

Now as we approach 2021 many things U3A wise remain uncertain, but I am sure like me you are hopeful that the Covid vaccine will be the game changer in ultimately enabling us all to get on with our lives in a more normal way. As part of that, whilst we currently do not have anything whatsoever indicating a possible timescale for reopening a full range of U3A activities, I am hopeful it will be possible in time and we ‘just’ need to be patient, difficult though I know that is.

In the meantime I miss you all and wish every one of you a happy and peaceful New Year. All my very best wishes to every one of you – I hope that 2021 is good to and for you

Stay safe and take care all.

Dot B.