U3A North West and Lancashire is promoting a project called ‘My Street’ where a photograph of your street can be taken, images and text added to it, which could then be featured on the U3A North West web site. Click here for details.
Another project has produced a book which is certainly topical.
U3A in the Time of Corona
This book is based on the Diary Project and has been created using contributions from U3A members all over the country.
It chronicles our reactions to coronavirus and isolation, as well as how to get a supermarket delivery, how to cut your own hair and what to do with all that free time. Some people sent drawings, photographs and poems, which have been included.
The book is A4, 120 pages, colour printed and costs £10 including postage.
If you would like to order a copy, please go to the national website https://www.u3a.org.uk/advice/shop/
In the Beginning How it all started, in Wuhan and elsewhere
Don’t Panic! Panic buying, food, loo rolls, home deliveries
Vulnerable? Me? Health of individual and household, physical and mental
Family and Friends Concerns about adult children, elderly parents and friends
Missing Granny Grandchildren, missing them, help with home schoolin
Filling Those Empty Hours Occupations– art, cooking, music, exercise, etc etc
Learn, Laugh, Live U3A – how it was, how we’re keeping it going, technology
In Tune with Nature? Natural world – for mental and physical health, including environmental aspects
Not on the Bright Side Loss of friends and family, knock on effects
Such a Thing as Society? Community support, key workers, Clap for Carers
What the Future Holds . . . ? What is the ‘new normal’ is likely to be?