U3A – Winter Learning Program


All initiatives are available at: https://www.u3a.org.uk/learning/national-programmes. Initiatives are intentionally released on a stagger to keep people’s interest and participation over the winter. Events which require members to book are at: https://www.u3a.org.uk/events/educational-events. The website will be updated regularly so members should be encouraged to keep checking these pages.

Click here to see the full document


answers Oct 9th

 Hi, all
I have been asked to post answers to quizzes on website for those who are not signed into the weekly group Art Appreciation Group receiving quiz questions or answers. Take care ,Stay safe Maureen
1  David Hockney
2  John Everett Millais – William Holman Hunt – Dante Gabriel Rossetti
3  Pigments mixed with water soluble binder of egg yolk
4   van Dyck ( Anthony)– Baroque
5 Lucien Freud, (I loved this painting in the Walker since childhood, Who knew?)
6 Full figured women  confirming the beauty and sensuality of the plus sized woman –      Peter Paul Rubens.   (This is the flattering term.)
7 Titian
8 Tintoretto
9 Gothic (This lovely, local  Church has been in use for worship for 850 years)
10 National Museums of Liverpool ( Sudley House.)  by  William Holman Hunt

Art quiz Oct 9th 2020

1  Who’s early painting is  this?


2  Who were the three founder members of      The Pre Raphaelite Movement in 1848?


3  What is meant by the term Tempera in art?

4  Who is this, what’s his nationality also

name his art movement?



5  Name this famous piece.




6  What is meant by the term Rubenesque and      who termed it?

7    Who painted this Venus of Urbino?                       



8   Who was known as the Last Great Italian         Renaissance Artist?

9  The church of St. Helen’s, Sefton is in which  architectural style?

10  Where locally, would you see The Finding of the Saviour in the     Temple?

A sunny Cheshire Ramble

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Fifteen members of the Rambling group, plus a four legged friend, enjoyed a lovely walk today in bright sunshine. Starting from the outskirts of Frodsham we followed the Carriage Drive into the woods climbing upwards towards Helsby Hill. Having clambered down then climbed up, we emerged onto the crag of Helsby Hill, and took the opportunity to have a quick break whilst enjoying the lovely views which enabled us to see as far as the cathedrals on Hope street. Continue reading