Another wonderful creation

Who ever this person is they are doing a brilliant job, making us all smile.

Thank you .

to be spotted….

Soldier is next to bus stop opposite The Weld Blundell Pub, Southport Road.

There are also
Spitfire planes on post-box outside Lydiate shops once again opposite to the side of Weld Blundell Pub. Corner of Moss Lane.
To be enjoyed by many

U3A Central – Events

Hello Dot
Here are two events that you may interest you ?

Zoom Training Wednesday 11th Nov. from 11:15am
So many of our activities are held using Zoom at the moment.  If you would like to learn how to use Zoom please sign up for this informal session delivered by the regional team at ;

Shared Learning Friday 20th Nov. from 10:30am
The aim of this session is to showcase some projects, encourage questions and hopefully get more members actively involved in learning projects.

You can register here:

Best wishes -Neil Stevenson
Trustee, North West of England
Mobile: 07595 233163


Answers Oct 16th Art App quiz

1  Dante Gabriel Rosetti.
2 The Swing  Jean – Honore Fragonard.
3  Sorry if these were not to clear, seemed O.K on my screen however I had hoped you would recognise them from our visit to Vincent  van Gogh, London , no problem
4 Palette
5 Felix Slade
6 Troika Pottery
7 Byzantine / Votive
8 Jackson Pollock
9 Thomas Gainsborough
10 The Blue Boy –Thomas Gainsborough