Art Quiz September 4th 2020

Laurence Holfencenr.jpgLaurence Holofcener’s sculptures of whom?
2   What are Easter Island Sculptured Heads called by the Rapa Nui people?
gustav-klimt-background.jpg3    Which artist painted this background<
  •  Egon Schiele
  •  Alfred Kubin
  •  Gustav Klimt
  •  Friedensreich Hundertwasser
        4        What Dynasty is this vase from?chriedu-2 vase.jpg
5           What is the name of the cross dressing British artist?
lotus-ganesha-sue-halstenberg.jpg6     This God Ganesha is from which culture?
7      Who always left his mark in form of a wooden mouse? and what was his nickname?
8      Who created The Thinker in stone?
9     Which artist won the 2007 Turner Prize with State Britain?
 10    Who was the architect for Liverpool Catholic Cathedral?

Ramblers tackle the Beacon Loop

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19 Ramblers met at Beacon Country Park in Upholland this morning to tackle the Beacon Loop, a circular walk of just under 10 miles taking in Roby Mill, Dalton. Appley Bridge, and Ashurst Beacon. After the overnight rain we set off in dry conditions, and the sun made its presence felt, and at our first drink stop many of the walkers divested themselves of layers and t shirts were in evidence. Crossing fields and pasture land we encountered some very muddy tracks, which were bad on Sunday when the final recce was done, but with the overnight rain they were a challenge even to the most sure footed folk. Continue reading

Day riders

Last Monday 8 riders from M&L and O&A U3A’s set off from The Derby Arms to ride a circular route to Southport.  For some strange reason weather-wise Monday frequently tends to be the best day of the week and today was no exception.  In bright sunshine we cycled through Maghull, into Lunt and through to Crosby where we weaved our way through the Bank Holiday crowds.  Through Ainsdale and Freshfield we rode as the day grew warmer.  Our brew stop was at Wetherspoons where the half price offer and free refills proved a bargain.  From Southport we went our separate ways to complete this 42 mile ride.


August 24th    A coastal canter


For today’s ride, 12 Day Riders (14 actually as 2 just missed the start) from M&L and O&A U3A’s met to ride the Coastal Route to Banks and then inland to Croston.  It was good to welcome Ralph back into the fold following his summer training with  Phil’s crew. We set off in glorious weather and picked up a nice tail wind as we made our way through Ainsdale.  An added bonus was the current closure of part of the Coast Road to motor traffic.  This gave us the chance to pick up speed to Southport.  From Banks it was a sprint to our lunch stop at Sooty’s Garden Centre. Here the epicureans amongst us took full advantage of the half-price offer to carbo-load for our return journey through Croston and Ormskirk.  All returned safely from this 48 mile ride.  Next week meet at 1000hrs at The Derby Arms to ride to Ainsdale via Maghull.

We beat the rain!

Three of us from the Inbetweeners  (aka Pedal Pushers longer riders ) decided to have a quick ride around Aughton today as the forecast was poor. Setting off from Maghull we did a rural circuit through to Aughton then on to Town Green from where we had planned to cycle back to Maghull. However the weather was still fair, we had out cycled the black clouds, so we decided to add a little more on…then a little more before we pitched up at Halsall, stopping off at the Village Bakehouse for a very acceptable coffee. However this meant that we needed to retrace our route back to avoid all the canal bridges, where we met the inevitable headwind which blew at us all the way back through to Lydiate. Two hours after starting and with a nice 17 mile ride accomplished we just beat the rain! Thanks Ken for a good ride. see you next week.