art quiz Sept 11th

edouard_leon_cortes_e1398_la_route_apres_la_pluie_wm_small.jpg La route après la pluie
 Translate the  title by Edouard  Leon Cortes

2  Who is sporting this moustache?

3    What do you get if you mix Red and Black paint?
4  Who did the art work for this famous bear?
5  What is the most famous piece of  Byzantine  architecture ?
6   Which  French artist did the Turban?
Which modern artist did this best friends? if you viewed Whitewall email , I sent you have it.
                                             8  Which graffiti artist did this Girl with balloon?   
9Merlin-Thomas-Malory-pen-and-ink-drawing-edition-Aubrey.jpg What type of medium is used  to produce this very Spooky Merlin?
10giant father xmas blacklers.jpgAre you able to remember this Giant Father Christmas ?  if so Where was it located in Liverpool city centre?