art quiz September 25th

1  Which Scandinavian  artist did this lovely painting?

    2 Which famous surrealist didthis ?    3  This Man was photographer before an artist.      4  What  do you get if you stick lots of random images on a surface?    

5 Which artist did this colourful chap?

    6  Where was David Hockney born?  7 This female artist was the muse of another famous artist who is she?[]      8       Which  designer is famous for this pattern     9   L.S Lowry used only five colours ,what   were they?  10       This female artist is from Finland, what is her name?

Crosby Beach Walk

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This was our first walk since February’s Cheshire Ring walk. Lockdown and car sharing issues have halted our canal walks. As COVID restrictions seemed to be easing, a local walk had been planned to re-unite us. Then as the rules changed again, we thought we might have to abort it. As we’d be in small socially distanced groups Continue reading

Table games

The latest Covid restrictions make it it seem unlikely that the Table Games groups activities will resume before the New Year. It really could be a miserable last 3 months of 2020.

With this in mind we have decided to offer an ‘on-line’ Bridge session. This would be organised using BBO at a time to suit folk.  BBO is ‘free’ to sign up and our games would be members only.

If you are interested then please contact Cath or Phil.


Art Quiz September 18th

1   Which  Liverpool Church has stained glass windows by William               Morris?

2  The painting ‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp’ is the work           of which Dutch artist?



3  Who painted Girl by window?


4  Which four letter word beginning with W describes, in weaving, the  crosswise threads on a loom, over and under which the warp are  passed to make cloth?

5  Which Glasgow-based sculptor, whose works include artificial trees and a leaning litter bin, won the 2011 Turner Prize?

6    What is the nickname of Thierry Guetta, the French-born street-              artist?

7 Name this art  genre?






8     Where was  this amazing Pink edifice constructed?



7   We know Marc Chagall as a  painter,

he was  also  a wonderful  glass artist.

Where in Britain would you find this wonderful window??






9  Who created this sculpture and  what it’s title?



10 Who are these two lovely lady artists?

Ainsdale circuit

The Inbetweeners ( longer ride Pedal Pushers) had a great 24 mile circuit out to Ainsdale today. Starting out for Robins Island we took the country roads through Lydiate and Aughton before heading out across the moss to Plex Lane and on to the Coastal road. Stopping off at Mecycle bike workshop for a coffee. We retraced the route back across the moss as far as the Ship Inn, then cycled through Haskayne, cut across country past Farmer Teds, and back into Lydiate. A couple of us broke off here and came back along the Cheshire Lines, whilst the others carried on to Bells Lane and home at that end of Maghull. A lovely ride led by Trevor, without the usual fierce headwind and some sunshine for a change. Coastal ride planned for next week, when we are pleased to welcome a new U3A member to our group.


Digital camera group

In the short to medium term it looks like our activities will be restricted to the bi weekly photo displays.  After Terry asked for feedback on the groups current activities it seems we have a few of issues that need to be addressed.  Basically, these are:

  • members want to continue with the group
  • members want to continue our current 2 weekly displays
  • some tech help needed with ‘uploading images’

The future subjects and dates are:

21 Sep    night shots  Some tips here
05 Oct     the town      19 Oct     gardening
02 Nov    industrial     16 Nov    shapes       30 Nov    churches/cathedrals
14 Dec    Open subject

The rules are very straightforward:  A maximum of 3 NEW pictures submitted to Terry a couple of days before the due date. It is helpful if the image size is reduced to 500 Kb !

As before, the collected images will be published on the web site but will also be  ‘vetted’ and the ‘best’ 3 will be notated accordingly.  No prizes but ‘bragging rights’

If anyone wants help with uploading images or any technical help with IT or photography then please contact Phil or any of the DigiCam or IT teams.

If you have a general query, that maybe of group interest, use the ‘reply’ function.

Some great help files here

art quiz Sept 11th

edouard_leon_cortes_e1398_la_route_apres_la_pluie_wm_small.jpg La route après la pluie
 Translate the  title by Edouard  Leon Cortes

2  Who is sporting this moustache?

3    What do you get if you mix Red and Black paint?
4  Who did the art work for this famous bear?
5  What is the most famous piece of  Byzantine  architecture ?
6   Which  French artist did the Turban?
Which modern artist did this best friends? if you viewed Whitewall email , I sent you have it.
                                             8  Which graffiti artist did this Girl with balloon?   
9Merlin-Thomas-Malory-pen-and-ink-drawing-edition-Aubrey.jpg What type of medium is used  to produce this very Spooky Merlin?
10giant father xmas blacklers.jpgAre you able to remember this Giant Father Christmas ?  if so Where was it located in Liverpool city centre?

WAMOT- 30 walkers

Today we had thirty walkers join the Walk A Mile or Two walk.  The group was started to help  members get back into walking.  However, regular walkers have joined the group for the social aspect of being able to have a good natter whilst enjoying a short walk.  Faced with such a large group and walkers of different abilities we decided to walk along the canal towards the swing bridge at the Bootle Arms and back in small groups.  The more experienced walkers taking the lead.  A special mention has to go to Shelia and Keith , it was their first walk and they managed 2 miles.  Positive feedback was received  and members enjoyed being able to walk at their own pace.  We have made a good start to our challenge of walking 1000 miles in September.  The group have walked over 261 miles this week.  If we keep this pace up we will reach our target of 1000 miles .

We will walk along the canal again next week in the other direction taking the same approach as we did this week whereby the more experienced walkers will be able to stride out and support will be given to the members that want to go at a slower pace.

In October we are hoping to be able to offer walks of different lengths around Lydiate.