Day Trips Update

Just before the lockdown commenced in March, three Day Trips had been booked for March, April and May.  Deposits, and in some cases the full amount, had been paid in. amounting to just under £3,000.  As there is no sign of us being able to return anytime soon I have arranged for these amounts to be returned to you.   By now you should all have received your refund but if you haven’t don’t worry it’s on its way. There were 92 cheques to be returned.  This brings me to saying a very big thank you to Stuart, our Treasurer, who had the unenviable task of writing them all out..By making the refund we will have a clean slate when we return.  Thank you to all who continue to show an interest in our trips and hopefully, you will continue to do so in the future. In the meantime, stay well, keep safe and let’s hope we will be back together  soon.  Kindest Regards  Marj