Downholland Dawdle

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20 members of the rambling group enjoyed a lovely 8.5 mile meander today. Again we were lucky with the weather, ideal for walking, not too hot, but warm enough for shorts and t-shirts. Leaving from the Ship Inn at Haskayne, splitting into 3 groups and following all social distancing guidelines, we walked through Barton Cutting nature reserve, onto the Leeds Liverpool canal through to Halsall, before walking up onto Gorse Hill for a picnic lunch stop. It was here that Dave helpfully pulled the sole off Paul’s shoe, which had been flapping for some considerable time! Thankfully there was only a bit of road work on the walk, or it could have been quite uncomfortable walking just on a cardboard inner!. Passing along the edge of the nature reserve we came up to Gorse Hill Reservoir, where once again United Utilities were digging away, Unusual wildlife was in evidence in one of the gardens we passed, then circuiting back though Lydiate we returned to our start point at the Ship where some of us enjoyed liquid refreshment in the beer garden. Thanks to Alan, and his four legged friend for leading the walk. The next ramble is on Thursday 3rd September. route yet to be decided!