Art Quiz 16

1   Which of these is a work by English artist Tracey Emin?

  1. My Fridge
  2. My Bed
  3. My Sofa
  4. My Television
  5. 2  Who painted this garden?
3   Do you know this famous Pauls surname?
Paul Cezanne
4    Which other famous Paul painted these beautiful golden ladies?
6   Who is this below?
Leonardo da Vinci: self-portrait
  1. 6    Rene Magritte’s ‘The Son of Man’ depicts a man in a suit and bowler hat.    Which fruit is  covering his face?
7    Who painted this Lady with Ermine?
Leonardo da Vinci: Lady with an Ermine
8  Which Scottish artist is famous for this work?
Jack Vettriano The Singing Butler painting is shipped worldwide,including stretched canvas and framed art.This Jack Vettriano The Singing Butler painting is available at custom size. Jack Vettriano, Rain Dance, Dancing In The Rain, Dancing Couple, People Dancing, Henri Rousseau, Henri Matisse, The Singing Butler, Michael Sowa
9   I am sure we all know who did this Family Group.
Henry Moore - Family Group | Phillips
10    Who are this famous artistic couple?
Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo | Diego rivera, Diego rivera frida kahlo ...

Quiz night – 10 July

Questions are here.

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be added to the mailing list.

Want to add a quiz?  20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.

Next weeks quiz compiled by Norman.

Turkey and Tinsel Update

The situation at the moment is still very fluid and filled with uncertainty with regard to group holiday breaks. Although a lot of Hotels are now open there are restrictions in place eg.  No buffet breakfasts, staggered meal times, no entertainment and safe distancing at all times.  There is the added complication of coach travel which has not been resolved yet.  We have had no opportunity to sell the remaining rooms because of the enforced shutdown and no sign at present of such an opportunity.  Final payment date looms in September. I have been in discussion with Airedale Tours and, with the above mentioned drawbacks in mind, have regretfully come to the decision that this break will not go ahead.  Your deposits are safe and have not been processed and these will be returned to you asap.  This is a big disappointment as this will be the first such break we have missed in 12 years.   Maybe things will be much improved in the Spring and we can look at booking an attractive break in 2021. Let’s sincerely hope so.  Many thanks and sincere apologies to members who have already booked on this trip.  In the meantime keep well, keep safe and enjoy the restrictions that have already been lifted.  Best Wishes Marj

wine tour 2020

I have emailed members with regard to the current position of the proposed wine tour commencing 03/10/2020

I have received a number of emails from members with varying comments

I do not want to get into providing answers/comments to each of these emails

Therefore , I will await any other comments for a few days , analyse the comments and then advise Discovery Travel of my findings

Please refer to the postings if you require any further update or telephone me



Half the Pedal pushers

The group have temporarily split to allow those who have not been cycling during lockdown to build up their stamina again. Today Bill led those people on a ride through Aughton, whilst the others of us completed a 20 mile circuit through Aughton, Halsall and Shirdley Hill. It was good to see some of the usual watering holes had reopened with additional outside seating, but today we stopped at Halsall park for our own coffee and cakes. The village was bedecked with scarecrows for their usual festival which made an amusing sight. We tackled a good few hills today which tested our legs, and completed our ride in just over 2 1/2 hours. Hopefully the group can join forces again in the not too distant future.

Day Riders – Leaving Lockdown!

Today 10 riders from M & L together with friends from Ormskirk and Aughton U3A set off in blustery weather to ride to Heskin, Mawdesley and Croston. The weather brightened up as the morning went on and we enjoyed sitting in the sunshine at our brew stop at Delph Quarry. Three electric bikes amongst us had us digging deep to keep up at times as we rode along some lovely lanes in that part of West Lancs. An excellent ride of 40 miles and it was great to reunite with old friends once again.

Quiz night – 03 July

Questions are here.

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be added to the mailing list.

Want to add a quiz?  20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.

Art Appreciation – Quiz 15. July 3 rd

Hi all

 I hope these are answerable with some research maybe, but what else have you to do?


What genre of art is this painting by Alphonse Mucha?
2     The Girl With a….’what’? Is a 17th Century painting by Johannes Vermeer?
3     Where did Toulouse Lautrec usually hang out with Absinthe?
4   Which artist made this quote;?
    I am no longer an artist,I am a messenger for those who want the war to go on         forever…and may it burn their lousy souls?
5   What famous painting is on the new £20 note?
6   How many art works, Paintings, Sculptures, or Photographs are called The Kiss?
7 Who painted this flower? Light-of-Iris-1924-Georgia-OKeeffe-1.jpg
8  The painting , The Dinner Party was by a local artist.  Where did we view it on one of our local art trips?               N.B   ( if you came should will remember)
9  How many Guggenheim Galleries are there?
1 0 Who did Frida  Kahlo marry and how many times?
11 Which British Pop Artist did this Collage?

12  Which famous statesman when asked  to cut the art funding                during the war,

           Said” then what are we fighting for?
 Good Luck