Law for fun – news

Dear Law for Fun group member ( and for others who may be interested (particularly the philosophy group)).   Earlier this year I went through the process of assessing damages for tortious liability in cases involving a fatality ( multiplicands and multipliers, remember)

Here is a Radio 4 program which explores the issues involved. It focuses on the USA but is nonetheless relevant. It is called “The Price of Life”.

This program may also be of interest to members of the Philosophy Group who I was due to speak to prior to the lockdown on the issue of Sanctity of Life.

Hopefully we can revisit these issues after the lockdown whenever that may be!

Stay safe all! – John Dilworth

Quiz night – 1st May 2020

Click on the image for a printable page —>

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be included.

We have quizzes for the next 3 weeks from Chris, Joyce and Dave.

If you want to submit one then 20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.

For a better WhatsApp experience try the laptop or PC version. Its easy to set up or call the Computer group for help 🙂