Quiz night – 15th May 2020

Questions are here

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be included.

If you want to submit one then 20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.

U3A – ZOOM meetings

Our U3A is currently trialing the Zoom ‘video conferencing’ application.

Zoom can be used on most electronic systems from mobile phones to tablets. For the best view the bigger the screen the better.  Below you will find la link to ‘Help’ pages that describe the installation, testing and use of the software that will enable you to join in meetings.

You will need to ‘register’ with a User name or email address AND a Password !

Getting started

Help is available from the Computer group members. Please note that different devices will display different ‘screen layouts’ so be very clear about what device you are using when asking for help.