Possible Ramble 2nd July

I am considering organising a local ramble on 2nd July for existing members of the rambling group only. I am leaving it until this date as the rules regarding groups outside have only just been relaxed, and hope that by July, either,  more people will be able to take part, with appropriate social distancing, or we will have been hit by a second wave and all bets are off!

I have contacted most of the group by email with tentative details, but if you are a regular rambler and have not been contacted, please email me kendall914@btinternet.com to register your interest. At this point there is nothing definite but am keeping fingers crossed we can get back together in the ” new normal”.

Marg Kendall

Quiz night – 29th May 2020

Questions are here.

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be added to the mailing list.

Want to add a quiz?  20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.

Walk with a ‘buddy’ ?

If you enjoy walking and would like to find a walking buddy, Group Support are willing to set up a What’s App group so members can find a walking  partner/sThe Nordic

Walking Group have this week successfully started this and couples are going out walking keeping to the social distancing rules.

If you do not have access to What’s App if you email me I am willing to try and find you a walking partner🤞 My email address is mnmck21@aol.com or my telephone number is 07900525222 if you want to send me a text

Walking is a great way to keep fit and it is so much more enjoyable doing it with someone else

Online activities

In these continuing, uncertain times it seems a good idea to let folk know what activities are ongoing, albeit online.

Here is a list that should be up-to-date:

Friday night quiz,  Digital cameras,  Nordic walking morning and evening,  Recorders,  Spanish – beginners,  Canal walking,  Walking netball,  Family history, Easy riders, Pedal Pushers,Tech and science, Computer group and IT Help.

If any on-line active group is not listed then please amend the list or ask for an amendment:

If you want to start an on-line group and are not sure how – ASK! Help is available.

Lastly, remember that our web site is read around the world so its not just locals that read our news. It might be that your activity inspires someone to have a go elsewhere.

Stay safe – Phil

Good wishes to Day Trips

I have received a thoughtful text from George, our driver with Holmeswood Coaches.   He wishes to send his regards to you all and hopes we are all keeping well during this very stressful time.  He also looks forward to seeing us all again in the near future – and so say all of us!!   I have replied thanking him, on all our behalf,  for this kind thoughts.   I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying this lovely weather, although not that horrendous wind over the week end.  Stay safe, hope we can be together again soon.  Regards  Marj x

Quiz night – 22nd May 2020

Questions are here.

Answers are here.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.

If you want to compare your answers and use WhatsApp then join the U3A quiz night group by contacting Brenda.

Q+As  can also be emailed. Contact Phil to be included.

If you want a quiz one then 20-30 questions on separate PDF sheets to me please.