Line dancing on TV

Just to let you know Hilary, our Line Dancing leader, has just let me know that Andy Bonner, from Granada Reports, is coming to Brownmoor Park in Crosby, where Hilary lives, to record Hilary leading a Line Dancing session in the road with her neighbours.  They are going to use a drone so you can see the whole road taking part.

See the show on Wednesday 6th May

Well done Hilary.  I wish I lived in your road.


Law for fun

Dear Law for Fun Group members ( and non group members who may be interested)

Prior to the lockdown I had proposed to talk to you about how prosecutors wrestle with their responsibilities in relation to disclosure in criminal proceedings. To whet your appetite for when we return to normality I attach two links to radio programmes that may be of interest.

The first, Law in Action,  includes a perspective from a former Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders ( my old boss)!

The second is a programme entitled “Second Class Citizen” which highlights the wrongful conviction of a number of sub post masters and mistresses.

When I present my talk on disclosure I will highlight these cases as an example of what can go wrong when disclosure is not properly addressed in a criminal trial.

On a lighter note I have also attached an episode of “Fair Cop”, presented by Alfie Moore a former Humberside police officer. The topic of the programme is informants,  which you will recall from one of my earlier talks are “Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS)”.

If you want to listen to more episodes of either Law in Action or Fair Cop you can get them via the BBC Sounds App.

Take care and stay safe – John Dilworth