Table games group

If you fancy a game of Bridge between members why not try BridgeBase Online.

It’s FREE to join and play. You can play practise hands or against real people from around the world.

More interestingly WE could play in groups of 4 by invite to our own tables.

If your interested call or email Phil and leave your BridgeBase login name so we can organise times and invites to tables.

Computer Group offers help

If any members need advice about their smartphones, tablets or computers while the U3A is closed, the Computer Group members are still available. A phone number is on the website, in the Year Book and the newsletter. Once you contact us we can set up a chat either by Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp.

Family history news

As I am sure you all must have heard by now, U3A, including Family History, have had to close for the foreseeable future.
However, as our next two programmed meeting topics entailed us all having an input, I thought we might do a little ‘homework’ to lighten the boredom, particularly those incarcerated in self isolation.
If we use the year 1861, choose a family member, and find out as much as you can about that person. Where they lived, what they did for an occupation, who lived with them, were they married? If so where?
Having found out as much as you can, then see if you can develop this more with pictures from google earth, maps of the area, photos of the church where they were married. Picture if known of where they worked.
Compiled into a few pages it could be quite an interesting  meeting when we meet again.
In the mean time, keep in touch now we have a U3A Fam History contact group.
Hints:- Family Search (free), Google Earth (free), Google Maps or other, Census records.
Best presentation gets a prize (independent judge)

Art appreciation

Hi all, sorry and sad we have to cancel all events until further notice.
However we do have some art quizzes available if you wish to try them out.  Just a bit of fun to while away the isolation .
email  if you wish to be added to the list.

Take care and stay safe – Maureen

Snippets of information

Hi guys.  Just a few snippets of news to help us while restricted 🙂

+  Corona virus in 1960s:
+ The devil makes work for idle hands – Beware of scams and dodgy emails. This website is currently getting 100+ ‘spam’ emails daily. Keep your security high. If your unsure how ask the Computer/IT help group!
+ Our ‘computer group’ members are offering  IT assistance. Call Rhoda for info
+ Lunt Meadows was a nice walk in the sun Monday 23rd. Easy parking and few people
+ Had a nice walk round Greenbank park on Thursday.  Lunch in Watering Can cafe
+ BBC has some relaxing sounds here. You will need to login
+ Chris Chua has a list of Crosby shops providing home delivery here
+ Some residents are using Whatsapp to communicate and help their neighbours.
+ Sunday Strollers have a ‘daily’ quiz starting shortly. Prizewinners get to ‘lead’ a walk!
+ Possible new group – Walk a mile.  Watch this space
+ Video conferencing is being considered to keep our U3A going.
+ BBC having a go –
+ Mortons dairy offer home delivery.  See their web site.

If you have any thoughts to share then please email

Finally, another government link to help us through this here


Day Trips Information

Hi – in line with Government recommendations and our own U3A directive, coffee mornings and activities will cease with immediate effect.  This will affect 3 planned Day Trips – Wed.25th March – Wed.8th April – Thurs.21st May.  Well over £2,000 has already been paid in for these trips.  However, if you are booked on please do not worry about refunds.  All payments are recorded against your name and as soon as there is an opportunity you will receive a refund or you can put it towards  a new trip on return. Take care, keep well, see you soon!!  Regards   Marj

 NB Turkey n Tinsel 23.11.20 – 27.ll.20 – Because we are no longer able to sell rooms for the T n T at Coffee Morning, I have been in touch with Airedale for an extension for when the deposits have to be paid in.  It will be on a flexible basis and constantly reviewed.  Therefore, those who have already paid their deposit, do not expect your cheque to be drawn any time soon.