Something for those long days to come.

Library Books To Your Armchair.

The above link  is a great way to help pass a few hours whilst we are all cooped up. If you’re a member of a library, download the app and log into your library account. Then you can borrow either electronic books to read on your device, or audio books to listen too. I’m currently drifting down the Ganges in a leaky boat with Eric Newby. A bit nicer than sitting in a semi in Maghull you’ll agree. Next week I intend to cross  the Kalahari with Thesiger, then walk the Appalachian trail with Bill Bryson. An escape of sorts. Maybe you can make use of it and catch up with your favourite authors.

Garden Visits – Notice

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus [COVID19] our trips to Trentham Gardens Wed. 22nd April and Wentworth Castle Gardens Wed.13th Mayl is cancelled.  If you have booked and paid in full or paid a deposit do not worry, all payments are recorded against your name and as soon as there is an opportunity you will have a refund or it can go towards a new trip when we return.    Take care, be safe and see you all soon.