Snippets of information

Hi guys.  Just a few snippets of news to help us while restricted 🙂

+  Corona virus in 1960s:
+ The devil makes work for idle hands – Beware of scams and dodgy emails. This website is currently getting 100+ ‘spam’ emails daily. Keep your security high. If your unsure how ask the Computer/IT help group!
+ Our ‘computer group’ members are offering  IT assistance. Call Rhoda for info
+ Lunt Meadows was a nice walk in the sun Monday 23rd. Easy parking and few people
+ Had a nice walk round Greenbank park on Thursday.  Lunch in Watering Can cafe
+ BBC has some relaxing sounds here. You will need to login
+ Chris Chua has a list of Crosby shops providing home delivery here
+ Some residents are using Whatsapp to communicate and help their neighbours.
+ Sunday Strollers have a ‘daily’ quiz starting shortly. Prizewinners get to ‘lead’ a walk!
+ Possible new group – Walk a mile.  Watch this space
+ Video conferencing is being considered to keep our U3A going.
+ BBC having a go –
+ Mortons dairy offer home delivery.  See their web site.

If you have any thoughts to share then please email

Finally, another government link to help us through this here