Day Trips Information

Hi – in line with Government recommendations and our own U3A directive, coffee mornings and activities will cease with immediate effect.  This will affect 3 planned Day Trips – Wed.25th March – Wed.8th April – Thurs.21st May.  Well over £2,000 has already been paid in for these trips.  However, if you are booked on please do not worry about refunds.  All payments are recorded against your name and as soon as there is an opportunity you will receive a refund or you can put it towards  a new trip on return. Take care, keep well, see you soon!!  Regards   Marj

 NB Turkey n Tinsel 23.11.20 – 27.ll.20 – Because we are no longer able to sell rooms for the T n T at Coffee Morning, I have been in touch with Airedale for an extension for when the deposits have to be paid in.  It will be on a flexible basis and constantly reviewed.  Therefore, those who have already paid their deposit, do not expect your cheque to be drawn any time soon.