The Menace of Dennis!

Only 4 Day Riders met for today’s ride to Prescot. We enjoyed a favourable wind through to Bickerstaffe and along the Rainford Bypass but when we turned onto the East Lancashire Road Dennis let us have it. Fortunately we didn’t have to battle the headwind for long before turning towards Prescot with thoughts of the cafe-stop uppermost. Dennis buffeted us on the return journey and any hedgerows we encountered were welcome protection. All returned safely, a round trip of 40 miles. Next week we will ride to Croston via Lathom and return via Tarleton. Meet at 1000hrs at The Derby Arms.

Corona virus – Advice

We have received this information from The Third Age Trust – our national U3A organisation: 
The Government and NHS have issued advice for members of the public following the confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK. Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to a severe pneumonia causing shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.The UK Chief Medical Officers are advising anyone who has travelled to the UK from mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days and is experiencing cough or fever or shortness of breath, to stay indoors and call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.More information about the virus, as well as symptoms and advice, is available to view at: on the NHS England website at:


German Revolution Prints, CANCELLED

Lady Lever  – May 13th 1 p.m.

A viewing of this controversial exhibition is a must for art and history lovers alike. Including works by Munch, Schiele and Kokoschka, this exhibition explores how the social, political, sexual and moral struggles taking place during the turbulent period of the German Revolution (1918-1919) moved artists to produce such dramatic imagery. The exhibition also features important prints by Gauguin and Picasso that demonstrate how artists outside Germany contributed to Expressionism.

£2.00 donation

NB.  if  you cannot attend any visit you have put your name down for, can you please have the courtesy to inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .

New Group – Rummikubs

Would you like to keep your brain challenged? Playing Rummikubs has helped  Eileen  Pritchard keep mentally active.  With brilliant simplicity, Rummikubs provides hours of amusement, each game as different as the combinations of moves you choose to play. Outwit your opponents with cool strategy and sharp moves.
A session would probably last about 2 hours which would include time for a drink and natter.  At the moment a Monday and Wednesday would be the best days for Eileen .  If you are interested  please contact Eileen on 0151 526 1001.

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Our day trip – Oswaldtwistle

It was cold, frosty and sunny when we set off for Oswaldtwistle Mills.  Set in a converted Weaving Mill this is an award winning destination with lots of variety including clothes, garden centre, textile museum, cafes, ice cream parlour, fresh food etc.  We arrived to a room set out for us to have coffee/biscuits which was a nice start.  Then came the serious business of shopping, browsing, investigating and we are all good at that!    Continue reading

Easy Walkers need leader for 2nd group.

The ‘easy walkers’ group leader has asked me to post that the group is now full. 17 people walked last week which is a difficult number for the 2 leaders to manage, to ensure all walkers are safe, and to enable the walk to be fun for everyone. If anyone is willing to create an Easy Walkers – 2 group it would be much appreciated, as our U3A tries to ensure equal access to groups for all members. If anyone is willing to lead another group, which could be on any day of your choosing, please discuss at group leader support desk on Tuesday coffee mornings.  A full program of ready made walks is available so you need not create a new one.  Judith Jones, the current Easy Walk leader, is also happy to discuss with you. Contact her on 07443 334222.

Ramble breaks a record


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On a bright crisp Thursday morning in February we met at the allocated point on the pub car park ready to undertake a ramble. The first couple of cars arrived early, followed by more, and more….and then more! Until finally everyone was assembled and the head count revealed a whopping 27 people! Certainly a record for our ramble group. Maybe it was the gorgeous spring sunshine that made people venture out, or maybe the chance to walk around Lunt meadows, which was a new venture for some people. Anyway, whatever the reason, everyone was ready for a wander through our local nature reserve. Continue reading

Dathliadau a ‘Charades’ – Celebrations and Charades

Fel bob tro, cawsom amser gwych yn y dosbarth Cymraeg heddiw gyda chacen ffrwythau a Bucks Fizz yn doreithiog. Roeddem yn dathlu priodas Siobhan, merch Chris a Stuart, ac yn hapus iawn i godi gwydraid wrth i ni dostio ffortiwn dda’r cwpl hapus.
Doedd hyn yn golygu na wnaethom ddim gwaith yn y dosbarth! Fe wnaethom barhau i ychwanegu berfau at ein geirfa gynyddol a’u rhoi i weithio yn ein gêm o charades!
Trowyd tudalennau geiriadur ar gyflymder ac roedd yn anhygoel faint ohonom a luniodd ddehongliad gwahanol o’r gweithgaredd yn cael ei actio!

Roedd yn sesiwn dda iawn ac roeddem i gyd yn teimlo’n flin dros y rhai a gollodd allan heddiw.

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