National U3A ‘Japan’ event. July. CANCELLED

As it is the National U3A ‘Japan’ event in July we are planning a visit from Gillian Russell, U3A NW regional trustee. She is going to tell us of her time in Japan, the art, the culture and the people.

Please visit Art App, desk Tuesdays to book and pay £2.00 as we have to pay for use of the Sanctuary @ 11.30 am 

NB.  if  you cannot attend any visit you have put your name down for, can you please have the courtesy to inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members.  There will be no refunds of donations.

Hail, Sun, Wind and two parks!

Just 3 of the Pedal Pushers were foolhardy enough to ride out today. Setting off from Brunswick station, our first stop was about 50 yards on where we had to shelter from a sudden hail shower! Once this cleared we rode on along the promenade where a helpful wind was behind us…although that meant unless it changed direction we would be cycling back into the wind! Leaving the prom at Otterspool we cycled through the Festival gardens, on to Lark Lane and into Sefton Park. In another couple of weeks the full glory of the Field of Hope will be evident, although there were quite a few daffs already in bloom,  so it will warrant a return trip. Continue reading

Tursel and Tinkey??

It’s that time of year again.  Time to think about our annual late holiday which is an enjoyable welcome break just before the hurly burly of Christmas.  This year group bookings have been really hard to get but we have settled to travel with Airedale, who we know and trust,travelling to Ilfracombe. This is a pretty town with a picture post card harbour, plenty of things to do and it satisfies our needs in the cafe, hotel, coffee shops area as well as lots of individual shops! Set in the lovely county of North Devon, we will be staying at the family owned, warm, comfortable Osborne Hotel which has an enviable reputation for food and is close to all amenities.  All rooms have the usual facilities eg. tea/coffee making, tv., hairdryer, en suite etc. There is entertainment each evening and there will be 3 interesting excursions so why not join us for this short break?

When?  Mon. 23.ll.20 to Fri.27.11.20  5 days/4 nights D/B/B .  Price:  £319pp (will be less with group discount). Deposit £75.  No Sing.Supp.  Free Insurance. Seats will be on sale at our table from Tue. 3rd March 2020.

Sunday Strollers – Had to Adapt

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Due to weather conditions the Sunday Strollers walk had to be re-arranged, then the walk had to be changed.

We decided to walk from Moreton to New Brighton as underfoot would be good.  Just as we started the walk the sun came out, however the wind on the front was very strong but thankfully it was behind us which helped us complete the 6 mile walk in 2 hours.

David helped to make the walk interesting by sharing information on the local area and we finished off enjoying lunch at the local Wetherspoons.  We are going to Sefton Park next month to see the Field of Hope.  Fingers crossed the weather is good.

Due to the popularity of this group we are unable to take any more members.  However, if anyone would like to start another Sunday Strollers Group we would be able to provide you with walks to do.  Come to the Group Leaders Support desk on a Tuesday morning.

Drawings in Preston CANCELLED

A Rossetti drawing of a women at an easle

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Elizabeth Siddal seated at an easel, c. 1854-55. The Courtauld Gallery, London. © The Samuel Courtauld Trust

Drawings at Harris Gallery , Preston

Thursday March 18th

£2 donation to gallery

A drawing can be a record of how we see the world, or a visualisation of the  artist’s imagination.

The artful line – a selection of works from the Harris Gallery and the  Courtauld Gallery  examine drawing in all its forms. Featuring works from the 17th century to the present day, the exhibition includes drawings by Angelica Kauffman, William Blake, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Frank Auerbach and Deanna Petherbridge. Each drawing offers a unique insight into the mind of the artist and the process of making art.

If you want lunch in the cafe take the 11.45 a.m  train to Ormskirk from Maghull  then Preston train.  If no lunch. 12.45 train is fine

NB.  if  you cannot attend any visit you have put your name down for, can you please have the courtesy to inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .

Lifetime Presidents birthday

We were delighted that our Lifetime President  Bill Howarth was able to join us this morning for coffee. Bill celebrates his 90th on the 21st Feb and was given a card, signed by many members, plus Garden Centre gift vouchers. He plans to spend these on Box Bay for his lovely garden. (Unfortunately the garden centre didn’t have any decent ones in when visited and hence the Chair followed Bills’ sons’ advice to buy gift vouchers so decent ones could be ordered in.)

New Day Trip

We are off to Derbyshire, specifically to the pretty village of Tissington,  overlooked by Tissington Hall. a 17thC Jacobean Mansion,which is still a private family home occupied by Sir Richard Fitzherbert and his family.. Here, the first Well Dressings of the year, and some would consider them to be the best, are on display.  Well dressing is a beautiful floral art in pictures, made with flower petals, leaves, stones, twigs etc.set in wet clay and all made by the very talented  local residents here.  The origins have disappeared in the mists of time but are thought to be connected with the Black Plague when the Wells were dressed to protect the water.  We will witness the service of the  blessing of the Wells on this Ascension Day and there will be time to wander and browse in this lovely, peaceful, Derbyshire Village..There are refreshments here but if you would rather wait till we reach our next destination Bakewell,  where there is a wide choice of eating, coffee, hotels, pubs etc. places of interest –  It’s the home of the famous Bakewell Tart, and is the largest town in the North Peak District, set on the River Wye and one of the prettiest.  Plenty to interest us here including the Bakewell Tart Shop, lovely mellow stone buildings, quaint courtyards, good choice of shops, . It’s a must for sightseers.

When??  Thurs.2lst May 2020   Dep.8.30am  Ret.6pm  Price: £12.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 25th February 2020..

Wind, rain and plenty of mud!

Just 5 of the Pedal pushers ventured out today. The weather forecast said dry until 1pm so we decided to try the Cheshire Lines to Formby. Moral of story…never believe the forecast! 10 mins into the ride it started to drizzle…then became a bit heavier, then the wind picked up driving the rain straight into our faces…and the specs of those wearing same! Having negotiated a fallen tree at the beginning of the path, we made very slow progress through the numerous puddles, fallen twigs and branches and mud a plenty! Half way to Formby, with the rain still falling, we had a rethink and cut through to the bypass and made for the warm cosy atmosphere of the Sunshine café in Ince Blundell. In spite of us dripping everywhere and shedding mud from boots, they made us very welcome and served toasty warm tea cakes and very good coffee. Definitely on our list of coffee stops now. Warm and refreshed we donned wet outer gear again and set off for home. It’s surprising how the wind can drive across the open fields in Lunt, especially when its forcing rain straight at you, but we made it home, glowing from the rain and chilly wind with another 15 miles ride under our belt. Well done guys!