Sunday Strollers – 5 mile walk

28 members joined the Sunday Stroll today.  We now have 34 members and have had to close the group as it has become so big. We are looking to start another group so if you fancy leading it please come to the Group Leaders Support desk on a Tuesday morning. We would be able to provide walks that you could do.

The group have been going 4 years and started with just three members.  We are off to Chester next month and Sefton Park in March.

Walking Netball

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Our Walking Netball group continues to grow.  Two more of our members are going on a Netball England Hosting Course at the end of January.  Most weeks we have enough members to make two full teams. If you fancy joining us come and see Margaret Ashton at the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning.

It is a really fun way to keep fit and although most of our members have played before we do have members who have never played netball.  We play on a Friday morning at West Lancs College.  We do share lifts so we may be able to sort a lift out for you if needed.

One of our members has just completed a Photography Course at West Lancs College and took these photos for us.  Thanks Evelyn