Local History Group

Our next few speakers are:

Tuesday 4th February – Cliff Duncan, one of our own members, will give a talk on one of the murder inquiries he was involved in.  The ‘Murder of John Moon’ will deal with the events that transpired on the 29th  August 1974.

Tuesday 3rd March – Roisin Stoddern will give a talk and slide presentation on ‘Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral’.  Having been a guide there for many years Roisin will take us on a guided tour delving into the heart of the Cathedral.

Tuesday 7th April – Mr Michael Murphy will give us a talk and slide presentation on ‘The History of Ration Books’. This fascinating topic may well bring back memories for some of us!

History for Fun

Last year has flown by so fast it’s hard to believe, that as group, we are approaching our first anniversary.  During a packed year, we have enjoyed some really interesting topics, many of which originated from members within our own group.  We certainly plan on keeping up the good work as we begin another year of delving into history’s great tales.

Our first talk for this year (17th Jan) will be about  Queen Mary (the wife of George V); we’ve all seen pictures of this very stately lady with her pearl choker but to find out about the lady herself join us at our  regular venue – Kensington House on the third Friday of each month at 14:30

Our future programme will include talks on George Washington, Joan of Arc and the Brothers of Shugborough.    All are welcome.