Happy Christmas

Hi and Happy Christmas wishes to you all.

I hope its a good one and brings you much peace and happiness. Then as we move into 2020 I hope the year ahead is kind to you.

As I hope you know, I believe our members make U3A an amazing organisation in which we have fun whilst learning, playing and keeping fitter.  But more than that, our member to member support, which we see time and time again, is truly inspiring and genuinely gladdens my little heart.  I felt this support personally this year – thank you all sincerely. To all going through difficult times at the moment – I hope you know that lots of members  are thinking about you and wishing things could be better for you.

We restart with coffee morning  on Tuesday 7Th January and can look forward to another great year together. We look forward to seeing many of you then and throughout the year.

Thank you and Happy Christmas

Dot and all Committee