Happy Christmas

Hi and Happy Christmas wishes to you all.

I hope its a good one and brings you much peace and happiness. Then as we move into 2020 I hope the year ahead is kind to you.

As I hope you know, I believe our members make U3A an amazing organisation in which we have fun whilst learning, playing and keeping fitter.  But more than that, our member to member support, which we see time and time again, is truly inspiring and genuinely gladdens my little heart.  I felt this support personally this year – thank you all sincerely. To all going through difficult times at the moment – I hope you know that lots of members  are thinking about you and wishing things could be better for you.

We restart with coffee morning  on Tuesday 7Th January and can look forward to another great year together. We look forward to seeing many of you then and throughout the year.

Thank you and Happy Christmas

Dot and all Committee

Dance Fit Resumes 6th and 13th January

Today was the last Dance Fit session until Monday 6th and Friday 13th January.  Unfortunately, last Fridays session was cancelled due to Collette not being well.   There are still some places in the Friday class which is at 2.30 at the Meadows Leisure Centre.  The Monday class is full. These are very popular classes.  If you require more information ring Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222 or come to the Group Leaders Support desk on a Tuesday morning.


If you missed our Carol Service this morning (Tues.10th Dec.) you missed a treat.  The Sanctuary was full .and the service included our own members as Readers, our very own Recorder Group played a selection of seasonal tunes and what can be said about the children from St.George’s Primary School? They were wonderful.  Full of enthusiasm, they sang their hearts out to very popular modern style Christmas songs.  They were a joy to have at this special time of the year.  There was coffee, mince pies, stollen and shortbreads to enjoy after. The monies collected were rushed to Woodlands Hospice immediately after the service where it was counted by their fund raising Staff.  We  raised the sum of £391. 22 so well done everyone – every little helps! A big thank you to the team who made this event possible.  Wishing you all a  merry and peaceful Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2020


Nordic Christmas

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Brenda McKenzie very kindly hosted a Christmas get together for the Nordic walking groups last evening. As you can see some of the walkers were very under dressed! Morning walks resume on 6th January at 10:15; evening walks 13th January at 6:30.

December Ramble

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15 Ramblers and 5 Easy walkers joined together today for a roam around 2 of the parks in the south of the city. Alighting at St Michaels station we walked to the perimeter of Sefton Park and meandered along its wide pathways. Passing by the fountains, band stand and fairy glen we took a detour into the Palm House. This was set up for Christmas celebrations and looked splendid. The guide showed several of the group the donation book which included the donation made by the late George Harrison to help return the building back to its former glory in 2002.  Continue reading