Notices – 12/11/19

History for fun  Friday 15th Nov.   Historical frauds and fraudsters

Garden visits holiday  check with desk for coach seat allocation

Theatre group – Nutcracker tickets to be collected from desk

Garden visits – Maghull flower club Christmas demonstration

Monday 25th Nov. See desk for limited tickets

Architecture for fun  Thursday 14th Arrive 1.45 for tour at 2 pm.

Christmas lunch.  See George if not already completed menu.

Met. cathedral – Thursday 12th Dec.   See George

Wet n’ Wild

Our U3A Day Riders today survived winds and waves along Otterspool Promenade, mushy wet leaves in Sefton Park and deceptively deep puddles along the Trans-Pennine Trail. Fortunately there were no mishaps and we all arrived home in one piece.

Hopefully next Monday’s ride to Croston will enjoy better weather. Meet at 1000am at Ormskirk Station for the first leg of the ride to The Velo Cafe.

Met. Cathedral and Crypt

An agreement has been reached with the Executive Assistant to the Dean to visit the Cathedral and Crypt on Thursday December 12th.

Meet at 10.30am at the main entrance for a guided tour of the Cathedral at 10.45am  This should last approx. 1 hour (there is a children’s carol concert at the Cathedral at 12 noon so we will need to be out of the Cathedral at approx. 11.45/11.55am

There is a cafe in the front of the Cathedral and members may wish to have lunch/tea/coffee etc

We will then return to the Crypt for approx.1.00/1.15pm (we will try to get a guided tour of the Crypt but this is to be confirmed with the Executive Assistant to the Dean) , if not , it will be a self guided touir.

Cost for both the Cathedral and the Crypt is £8.00 per member.

Only 4 places left , See George/John at carol concert or call 07826 048379

Please see George Birchall or John Chapman on the Architecture for Fun desk if you wish to join the trip or call George on 0151 287 0308.


Ramblers take to the water!

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What do you do on a day when the weather forecast was appalling and the rain fell in torrents? Go on a ramble of course! Setting off from our usual meeting place at the Baptist Church, numbers were severely depleted from previous walks but undaunted we travelled over the Mersey Gateway bridge ( did everyone remember to pay the tolls?) and set sail for Daresbury! The ideal mode of transport should have been boats, but by the time we reached the start point the torrents had lessened to a drizzle and spirits were raised. Todays ramble was following the Lewis Carroll trail around the Cheshire countryside which, according to the information would afford wonderful views of Winter Hill and the Clywdian mountain range. Maybe November was not the best day to undertake it. Continue reading

Ukulele group

Ukulele for Beginners.

After the preliminary meeting on Monday 4th November, it was agreed that the ukulele group would meet weekly at The Kensington House Social Club, Station Road, Maghull. The meeting will be from 13:00 to 15:00 pm. So far we are 14 strong, and that is about the right number for a beginners group, so unfortunately we are full for now. However if there are at least 10 more people who want to start ukulele, then a second beginners group could be formed. This would be on a Wednesday afternoon, venue to be finalized, at about the same time. Anyone who showed an interest previously  and didn’t make the opening meet at St Andrews Church hall, should contact the leader, Mike, in the next two weeks, to register further interest in a Wednesday group.

Contact Mike on 07786381961, or email

Off Road to Ainsdale

Today’s Day Riders met in Maghull and set off across bridleways to the canal towpath at Netherton before heading through Rimrose Valley Park to emerge at Crosby. We then joined the coastal path by the Coastguard building and made our way via Hightown, Formby and Freshfield, through the Pinewoods for our cafe-stop at MeCycle in Ainsdale. A variety of return routes then followed dependant on where people lived.

Once again we were blessed with good weather for this 30 mile circular.

Next Monday we will jump the 1000 am train to Moorfields and head out from the Pierhead along Otterspool Prom and into Sefton Park for a brew. We will return via Allerton and Childwall, picking up the Trans-Pennine Trail to take us back to Aintree.

Jan 15th English Lady’s wardrobe,FULL

An English lady’s wardrobe  @  Walker Art Gallery
Wednesday   January 15th   meet   @  Maghull St for 10 am train 

Talk 11 am ,1 hour. lunch in cafe (not inc.) 1.30 pm exhibition

£8  entrance talk £10. total £18 00

Emily Tinne was an English woman of status, whose passion for fashion and shopping led her to accumulate hundreds of items of clothing, at a scale which was not fully realised until after her death in 1966.

Please pay asap at U3A desk before Dec 3rd please.

NB.  if  you cannot attend any visit you have put your name down for, can you please have the courtesy to inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .


Real Ale / Gin Club + Xmas Meal

Real Ale – this month we will be meeting on Friday 29th November in the Lime Kiln Liverpool from 1230.  After here we will visit pubs around the Hardman Street area.

Gin Club –  on our 2nd outing we will be meeting on Friday 15th November in the North Western Lime Street from 1230.  We will then call into the Crown pub on Lime Street.

Christmas Meal – on Friday 6th December we will be travelling to Southport for our festive meal.  Please meet in the Guesthouse pub from 1230.  I need food orders beforehand, if you have not given your order to me already I will be in touch.