Reminder – Day Trips

2.12.19 to 6.l2.19  Turkey n Tinsel Break – – final briefing for this break will be held on Tues.26th November 2019 in the Coffee Room at ll.15am.  If you cannot attend please arrange for your information pack to be collected.  Many thanks

Mon.16th Dec. 2019 – Christmas Lunch at Llyndir Hall Hotel, Rossett.  As there will be no Day Trip Table on 3rd December and it is the Carol Service on the 10th, please arrange to pay your balance for this trip by Tues.26th November. Please make sure you have completed and returned your choice of meal slip  Many thanks

Digital cameras – 2020

Digital Camera Group : St. Andrews Room 2 – 4 pm

06 Jan    Christmas      30 Mar    Confection
13 Jan    Food              20 Apr    Birds and animals
01 Feb    People           04 May    Landscape
17 Feb    Transport      18 May    Winter
02 Mar    Closeup         01 Jun    Nature
16 Mar    B+W

Summer Break
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Notices – 12/11/19

History for fun  Friday 15th Nov.   Historical frauds and fraudsters

Garden visits holiday  check with desk for coach seat allocation

Theatre group – Nutcracker tickets to be collected from desk

Garden visits – Maghull flower club Christmas demonstration

Monday 25th Nov. See desk for limited tickets

Architecture for fun  Thursday 14th Arrive 1.45 for tour at 2 pm.

Christmas lunch.  See George if not already completed menu.

Met. cathedral – Thursday 12th Dec.   See George