Ukulele group

Ukulele for Beginners.

After the preliminary meeting on Monday 4th November, it was agreed that the ukulele group would meet weekly at The Kensington House Social Club, Station Road, Maghull. The meeting will be from 13:00 to 15:00 pm. So far we are 14 strong, and that is about the right number for a beginners group, so unfortunately we are full for now. However if there are at least 10 more people who want to start ukulele, then a second beginners group could be formed. This would be on a Wednesday afternoon, venue to be finalized, at about the same time. Anyone who showed an interest previously  and didn’t make the opening meet at St Andrews Church hall, should contact the leader, Mike, in the next two weeks, to register further interest in a Wednesday group.

Contact Mike on 07786381961, or email