Notices – 24/09/19


Our textile group provided a wonderful display of their varied and colourful work at coffee morning. All pieces were beautifully made and all members present were very impressed and enjoyed the display. Well done to all in the group – your work is absolutely lovely

History for Fun

Please note that the next meeting is on 18th October- the date in the newsletter is not correct.

Plaza cinema

Age Concern were showing Mrs Lowry an Son that afternoon at the PLAza in Crosby. Entrance fee was £1

Christmas 2019

A reminder that we looking for a volunteer or volunteers to organise this years’ carol concert after David Kearney very kindly led on our very enjoyable morning last year. If you are willing to take this forward or help, working with others, can you let myself or another Committee member know by 30th September – we can share with you what has happened previously which should be helpful. We are hoping a concert can be held on Tuesday 10th December which will be our final meeting of 2019.