Notices – 17/09/19

Art Appreciation

Planned event Tuesday 27th September has been cancelled.

Law for Fun

Please note that the meeting due to be held on Thursday 18 September has been cancelled as a large proportion of the group aren’t able to attend.

Christmas 2019

At our Committee meeting last week we discussed whether a carol concert would be held this year. Last year David Kearney very kindly led on this and we all enjoyed a very successful and happy morning. No one on Committee has the capacity to organise a concert this year and we are again seeking a volunteer or volunteers to lead on arranging a concert. If you are willing to take this forward, working with other volunteers, can you let myself or another Committee member know by 30th September – I can share with any volunteer(s) what has happened previously which I’m sure will be very helpful. If no volunteer/s are forthcoming, a coffee and mince pie event would be held on Tuesday 10th December which will be final meeting of 2019.


Tickets for Les Miserables are ready for collection at the Theatre desk. There is one ticket available – please ask for details at the desk.