Aintree racecourse tour

Architecture for Fun is proposing to visit Aintree racecourse where we will have a conducted tour by the historian (Nb. members will not be expected to jump the fences)

The dates are Thursday 14th November and  Wednesday 20th November , there is a maximum of 30 places on each day , we will progress the list for 14th November first and if this fills up , we will commence a new list for 20th November

Entry is through the gates on Grand National Avenue which is off Ormskirk Road ( A59) Aintree Station is opposite (park in front of the Princess Royal Grandstand straight ahead as you drive in) , meet at 1.45 – 2.00 pm . Tour should last approx. 60 minutes.

We will then gather at the Princess Royal Reception where we will meet Jessica Dalgleish and then be taken to the Community Hub to meet Jane Clarke , the Historian.

The cost is £5 per member if the 30 places are taken (ie the cost required by the racecourse is £150 per tour)  BOTH DATES FULLY BOOKED UP

Complimentary tea and coffee provided

Members will make there own way to the racecourse but the entrance position will be provided well prior to the visits

See George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk or David Russell at Family History desk