Nordic walking Old Roan to Maghull

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As a change from battling through overgrown fields, the group used the canal towpath tonight to walk from Old Roan to Maghull. Setting a steady pace led by one of our five new Nordic walking leaders, we completed the walk in a little over an hour and a quarter. Even though we are still in summer the breeze was keen at times, but was helpful to cool everyone down, however we could have done without the massive downpour just as we were nearing the end of the walk! Hopefully the weather will be kinder next week.

Not Once Every Preston Guild!

The Guild Wheel is a 21 mile circular walking and cycling route around Preston. The route links the City and countryside.

Each year Day Riders from the U3A at Maghull and Lydiate and Ormskirk and Aughton get together to ride The Guild Wheel. This year’s ride on Monday, August 12th saw 10 Riders brave threatening skies that turned into a freezing downpour as we set off from Preston Docklands.

Our cafe-stop at the University of Central Lancashire was a welcome break, giving us the chance to dry out a little and warm up.

Soon we were off again and followed the Guild Wheel through bridleways, housing estates, woodland and even through a Crematorium!

One part through woodland involved a 10% muddy decline where riders are advised to dismount. Not everyone heeded this advice but all made it safely down.

Our lunch stop at Brockholes was very welcome and fortunately whilst we were in the cafe there was another downpour that cleared by the time we set off on the last leg to Preston.

All things considered, a great day out!

Alan Carr

U3A Day Riders

Barmouth Walking Festival

This is not a U3A event but may suit individuals looking for a walking holiday. It is very suitable for single people as the organisers provide evening events which include:

  • Fish, chips and talk
  • Social Evening
  • Music Nights.
  • Quiz nights

The Walking Festival takes place 14th-23rd September and has been developed with the aim of encouraging visitors to explore these magnificent surrounds on foot- in the company of keen, experienced and knowledgeable local guides. Historians and naturalists lead some walk. The festival has been going for 18 years and many people return year after year. Continue reading