Scamaware – Take Five

Fraud and Scams

Scammers target everyone and see charities as a weak link.  If you have a little spare time then you may find the following links worthwhile and helpful.

The Trust is a partner of Take Five which is supported by a consortium of high street banks, larger charities and backed by HMG.

Have a look too at the Scam Aware twitter page:  Software updates on your devices may contain vital security updates. Always update your device as soon as one is available. Don’t miss a trick – be #ScamAware.

Wine Tasting at Winetime 17/10/19

A further tasting will take place on the above date

It will be a tasting of Italian wines from the  Veneto and Piedmont                area including cheese , meat , biscuits , olives and water

Cost will be £7 for tasting and £7 for taxi transfer from and back to Maghull Square

Only 5 places left


Please see George Birchall on “wine tasting” desk or telephone 0151 287 0308 or 07826 048379

New Day Trip

To-day’s trip is a nice introduction to the start of the Christmas period and will begin with a visit to Manchester’s Christmas Market, one of the biggest in the country.  Set in the City Centre with plenty of chalet style stalls to choose from –  selling pretty well anything you want to buy.  Gifts with a difference, stocking fillers, food, maybe a glass of Gluhwein etc. A perfect chance to get some good ideas for your Christmas. Close to all the amenities that the City centre offers.  Shops, bars, cafes, galleries etc. Time to browse, buy, have coffee and some lunch.  Then we are off to the beautifully restored Art Deco Stockport Plaza for their annual Christmas Showtime.Many well known stars have performed on this stage down the years.  Sit back and relax in your comfortable stalls seat and enjoy.  Lovely scenery, stunning costumes, talented cast, all the songs we know – even “real” snow!!

WHEN?? Thurs.14th November 2019.  Dep.9.30am  Ret.5.30pm. Price:  £25 inc.GOOD stall seat.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 3rd September 2019


Yorkshire and Harrogate Christmas markets

A short break has been arranged to Yorkshire and the Harrogate Christmas markets on Friday, 15h November 2019.  Leaving Maghull Square at 9.30am we will journey first to Skipton.  The traditional market town located on the Leeds-Liverpool canal.  We will have time to look around this charming town. We re-join the coach and take a scenic drive into Yorkshire and the pennies to Wetherby and our hotel.  The Mercure Hotel, Wetherby is located close to the centre of this ancient market town and is very comfortable.  We stay here for  2 nights on a  Dinner, Bed & Breakfast basis.

On Saturday 16th November will visit nearby Knaresborough, another charming town. Set above the Rive Nidd valley with its imposing 14th century ruined castle located in the town centre. The views over the valley and the bridge are beautiful. We return to Wetherby and the hotel.  The rest of the day is to be spent here as the weekend long Christmas market is being held.

On Sunday the 17th November,  after breakfast we check out of the hotel and make our way to Harrwood House.   We will have time to enjoy exhibitions of contemporary art, rare Bird Garden, farm and grounds. Later we will return via Howarth and Bronte country..We return home expecting to be back in Maghull at 5pm approx.  the cost of this tour will be  £199 per person (£40 single supplement).  see more information at the garden visits table  on Tuesday coffee mornings.

Sunday Strollers 18th August

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15 members of the Sunday Strollers got the local bus to Walton Road and walked up to Everton Football Ground.  We went and had a look at the statue, that has recently been erected outside the club’s stadium, of three of Everton’s greatest players.  Known as the “Holy Trinity”, they were regarded as the best midfield trio in England in the 1960s. They were Alan Ball, Howard Kendal and Colin Harvey

Then on to Anfield Cemetery and enjoyed an interesting walk around the grounds. In 1854 Liverpool Corporation issued an order prohibiting any further burials in the city’s overcrowded cemeteries. Land was subsequently obtained so that a new cemetery could be formed. The total cost, including the purchase of the land, came to more than £150,000 and the first interment in Anfield Cemetery, sometimes known as Liverpool Cemetery, took place in 1863. The layout was designed by Edward Kemp (1817-91), though T D Barry won the original competition. A crematorium was built near the southern edge of the site 1894-6. Two of the three original cemetery chapels have been demolished and one of the pair of Priory Road Lodges has also been lost.

Continue reading

Technology and Science

Technology and Science group starts its new season on Wednesday Sep.11, Kensington House @ 2.30 pm.  All are welcome.  

Sep. 11    Frederick William Herschel   from                             telescopes to infra red   with Phil

Sep  25   The history of sound recording by Colin

If you have a topic to present or an idea for one please let us know or you will only get stuff that we like 🙂

Taki Katei – December 3rd. FULL

We are privileged to view this Japanese artists work. Once a celebrated artist in Tokyo, Taki Katei’s paintings were displayed in the Imperial court and his impressive works also traveled to international exhibitions. After his death the demand for delicate paintings of flowers and birds fell out of fashion and his work was slowly forgotten. But you will recognise them I am certain.

A lovely calming  run up to  Christmas rush.

World Museums Liverpool, near to Walker Art Gallery  Tuesday December 3rd, tour 11 am.
Cost….with group concessions

Entry £5, Tour £4   Total = £9 

train from Maghull 10am  meet at venue  10.30 am

NB.  if  you cannot attend any visit you have put your name down for, can you please have the courtesy to inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .

Nordic walking Old Roan to Maghull

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As a change from battling through overgrown fields, the group used the canal towpath tonight to walk from Old Roan to Maghull. Setting a steady pace led by one of our five new Nordic walking leaders, we completed the walk in a little over an hour and a quarter. Even though we are still in summer the breeze was keen at times, but was helpful to cool everyone down, however we could have done without the massive downpour just as we were nearing the end of the walk! Hopefully the weather will be kinder next week.

Not Once Every Preston Guild!

The Guild Wheel is a 21 mile circular walking and cycling route around Preston. The route links the City and countryside.

Each year Day Riders from the U3A at Maghull and Lydiate and Ormskirk and Aughton get together to ride The Guild Wheel. This year’s ride on Monday, August 12th saw 10 Riders brave threatening skies that turned into a freezing downpour as we set off from Preston Docklands.

Our cafe-stop at the University of Central Lancashire was a welcome break, giving us the chance to dry out a little and warm up.

Soon we were off again and followed the Guild Wheel through bridleways, housing estates, woodland and even through a Crematorium!

One part through woodland involved a 10% muddy decline where riders are advised to dismount. Not everyone heeded this advice but all made it safely down.

Our lunch stop at Brockholes was very welcome and fortunately whilst we were in the cafe there was another downpour that cleared by the time we set off on the last leg to Preston.

All things considered, a great day out!

Alan Carr

U3A Day Riders