July/August Real Ale Meet Ups

July  – This month’s meet up will actually take place on Saturday 3rd August.  We will be visiting Connoisseur Brewery in St Helens and will be catching the 11:45 train from Lime Street.  Those who would like breakfast beforehand please meet in the North Western Wetherspoons from 10:45. The Brewery has an open day on the first Saturday of each month and has a good selection of dark and light real ales and also the famous Burchall’s pork pies are available.  If time allows we will also visit the Cricketers Pub.

August  – We will be meeting on Friday 30th August from 12:00 in The Captain Alexander opposite James Street Station.  This is the latest new Wetherspoons to open in Liverpool.  Note the earlier meeting time, this is so we can hopefully get enough tables together for us all!  From here we will visit a few other real ale pubs in the area.


Notices – 03/07/19

TV Licensing scam – click for web site link

Phil D reported there is a current scam where people are being advised by email that they haven’t paid their TV license. DO NOT OPEN any such emails as this is a scam

Station Volunteers coffee morning for Woodlands Saturday 6th July

Some of our members are involved in this which is to take place on Saturday morning. This is a lovely way to start your day whilst also supporting a fabulous cause. Please go along is you are able

Dance Fit

Active Sefton provide support for Dance Fit classes at the Town Hall on Mondays and Fridays which a number of our members attend. It’s a great fun way to increase your fitness. The Friday sessions are low in numbers and Active Sefton are indicating it will close if numbers don’t increase. Can I ask that any members who are interested have a go to enable Active Sefton to continue supporting this great class – just turn up at the Town Hall for the 2.30 to 3.15pm class

Architecture for Fun

6 places available for Dunham Massie, this Thursday 4th July

See George or John on Architecture for Fun desk. Coach leaves Maghull Square at 8.30 am prompt , please arrive 8.15/8.20

Georgian Liverpool and much more, Thursday 8th August

10 places available for 10.30am walk , 7 places available for 12.30 walk 2.30 walk may be available if sufficient numbers book.

Garden visits

Wed 10th  July Dingle Gardens . Coach will leave Maghull square at 8.45 am
See George or John on Architecture for Fun desk

Real Ale group – June

A return to Chester on another sunny afternoon.  Lunch in Wetherspoons ‘Bull and Stirrup’ before trying 2 Sam Smiths pubs, The Old Boot and The Falcon.  Nice clean and traditional bars with a great pint of bitter for £2.  Finally The Cellar, a more modern but still ‘real ale’ option. A great afternoon and home by 6.