Architecture for Fun – Towneley Hall

We are proposing a trip to Towneley Hall , Burnley on 11th September 2019 There will be a guided tour of the Hall which houses among other things , Egyptology , Art Gallery including decorative art and furniture , Natural History , Local History , Textiles and others

There is a 440 acre estate including parkland and gardens. Refreshments/lunch can be taken at members own cost in either of two cafes (stables and formal gardens) and there is a garden centre.Cost £23.00 for coach transfers , entry , guided tour and garden access.
Contact George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk
or telephone 07826 048379 (George) or John (07849 831623) ONLY  A FEW PLACES LEFT 

Notices – 16/07/19

Advanced Notice- There will be no Coffee Morning held on the 20th or 27th August.  MBC will be open for anyone wishing to pay in money. There will be no refreshments.

30/7 – Volunteers needed to help with set up. Arrive 8.45 see George to put you name down

8/8/19 – 12 places left for Georgian walk 2.30 slot

17/10/19- one ticket left for Les Miserable Empire Theatre price £56.00

18th July – This Thursday Law for Fun 2-4 Lydiate Village Hall, Lambshear Lane. £1.50 includes Tea/coffee and biscuits. This session will cover law relating to Undercover Policing

19th July – History for fun meet at Kensington house @ 2.30

21st July Sunday Strollers. Meet at Maghull Station (old station) in time to catch the 9.49 train to Sandhills where we will catch the Southport train. We will walk from Hall Road to Hightown and have lunch at the Pinewoods Pub.

nb.  If you are going on a trip please bring your membership card with you and make sure the next of kin details are filled out on the back of the card.

Sunday Strollers – 21st July

Sunday Strollers next walk is on 21st July.  We will meet at Maghull South (old station) in time to catch the 9.49 train to Liverpool.

We will change onto the Southport train at Sandhills and get off at Hall Road.  We should arrive at Hall Road at 10.30 appox.  If you are meeting us at Hall Road please let me know so we can look out for you. We will then walk down to the front and walk to Hightown train station were we will catch the Southport train to Freshfield.  We will then make our way to the Pinewoods pub and have lunch.  After lunch we will walk back to station and catch train back to Maghull.
Because we are having breaks this walk should suit all of our walkers and we have always had a good lunch at the Pinewoods Pub. They serve Sunday lunch and a variety of other meals and snacks.

Here is a picture taken on our February walk in Southport.  The weather on Sunday looks like it will be a lot warmer than that day with showers forecast at 1pm.  Hopefully we will be in the pub by then



Penblwydd Hapus Gwyneth Happy 90th Birthday Gwyneth

Cawsom barti arbennig yr wythnos diwethaf yn y grwp Cymraeg.  Cawsom gyfle i helpu ddathlu penblwydd Gwyneth yn 90 oed.  Bucks Fizz, cacen siocled, canhwyllau a blodau oedd trefn y dydd ac fe’u mwynhawyd gan bawb a oedd yn gallu dod. Rhannodd Gwyneth ei dathliad gyda’i merch Carolyn a oedd wedi dod o Cyprus yn arbennig. Dilynwyd y dathliad gan barti arall ar gyfer ffrindiau a teulu agos.

Bu’r U3A hefyd yn helpu i ddathlu pen-blwydd arbennig Gwynrth gyda chyflwyniad o blanhigyn hardd a cherdyn  gan Dot Brannigan, ein Cadeirydd.

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We had a special party last week in the Welsh Group. We were privileged to help celebrate Gwyneth’s 90th birthday. Bucks Fizz, chocolate cake, candles and flowers were the order of the day and enjoyed by all who were able to come. Gwyneth shared her celebration with her daughter Carolyn who had come over from Cyprus especially.
The celebration was followed by another party for close friends and family.
The U3A also helped celebrate Gwyneth’s special birthday with a presentation of a beautiful orchid plant and card by Dot Brannigan our Chair.
Many happy returns of the day Gwyneth.


July Ramble….or was it a scramble??


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7 members of the rambling group set out today to tackle a hike around the Dove Stone reservoir area on Saddleworth Moor, which lies at the Northwest corner of the Peak District. Starting at a height of 210m we walked up a well made path winding around side of the hills in lovely sunshine. However the moors of the Peak District soon showed their true colours and the mist rolled in and a fine drizzly rain started to fall, which caused an impromptu stop to don wet gear….which…as can be seen from some of the photos …was of the slightly more unorthodox variety in some cases! Continue reading

Pedal Pushers on the Wirral again!

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Taking advantage of the good weather, and the slightly less packed trains before the schools break up, the Pedal Pushers had another Wirral ride today. Catching the train to Brunswick we cycled back to the pier head to catch the ferry to Seacombe. Once here we had a great ride along clear cycleways as far as New Brighton. Some of the group turned back here, and cycled back to the ferry, via Wetherspoons where they had lunch  ( which we only found out later) whilst the other 3 of us decided to continue as far as West Kirby. For some reason the cycleways on the Wirral are not as clearly marked as in Sefton, and we got rather lost, but at least we weren’t as unfortunate as the car that had driven onto the beach and got well and truly stuck! Hopefully the Coastguard got to it before the tide came in.
Continue reading

Notices – 09/07/19


Final call for Griff Rhys-Jones at the Everyman Theatre on September 14th, £29.00.

Also “Gypsy” the musical, on January 17th at the Manchester Royal Exchange, £49 including transport.

Walking groups:

Easy Walkers:

Walk to Clieves Hill: catch 300 bus at 9:40 from meadows or 9:45 from Square. If travelling by car meet at Ship Inn Haskayne at 10:05 Flat walk approx. 4 miles.


Hike at Dove Stone, Saddleworth Moor. 7-9 miles across rugged terrain. Exact walk will be decided on day depending on weather conditions. Meet at Baptist Church car park to leave at 9:45. Bring a packed lunch…drink only at pub at end of walk.

Garden visits

Garden visit tomorrow will be leaving the square at 8.45 prompt

Treasury team

To enable the Treasury team to cash up, balance and leave at 11.30, can all money collected be passed to the team by 10.50. If this causes a difficulty, by prior arrangement the team will collect money from the leader at their table. Please arrange this with Stuart and the team as needed.

Gwyneth Smith was 90 very recently and members passed on their good wishes to her together with the gift of a lovely orchid

Pedal Pushers Wirral Way

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This year we have not always been lucky with the weather on a Wednesday, but last week we enjoyed a 15 miles ride along the Wirral Way.  We got the train  to Hooton and then rode back to West Kirkby.  The views were great and Dave IS looking at the views just in case you were wondering!!!!!

Practical Gardening

At the start of June we were warmly welcomed back to Brenda (McKenzie’s) and then Maureen’s (Ward’s) great gardens. Brenda’s garden always looks good and her borders were full of colour with some new planting having taken place. Maureens’ a real plant womans’ garden; we greatly enjoyed Maureen sharing some of her extensive horticultural knowledge  and saw the (literal) fruits of her labours throughout the garden and vegetable growing areas.

On 1st July we were delighted to be invited to visit our President, Bill Howarths’ new courtyard garden. This was absolutely lovely as you will see from the photographs  below. Bill moved into his brand new house about 3 years ago and at that time the ‘garden’  was just a roughly planted (by the builders) lawn with no other plants. Continue reading