History for fun

This month (July) we had a talk on British Eccentrics.Some were mad, and some were  bad, and some were mad and bad. But all were extremely wealthy at the beginning.

Our next meeting will be at 2.30pm 16th of August at Kensington house .the subject will be Winston Churchill.

All welcome

Norman Stalford (Group Leader)


Notices – 23/07/19

Coffee Morning– There will be No coffee morning held on 20th and 27th August. MBC will be open for anyone wishing to collect or pay in money. There will be no refreshments available. During the holiday period not all group desks at the coffee morning will be manned every week due to leaders being on holiday

Shrewsbury Flower Show 9th August – There are still a few places available on this Gardening Trip price £35. This show is one of the country’s Premier Flower Show events attracting top exhibitors from all over the country.

Threatre Group- There is just one ticket available for Les Miserable Empire Threatre Thursday 17th October. – Ticket £56. Group will travel together on the train.

Architecture For Fun – Georgian walk Liverpool 8th August there are 10 places left on the 2.30 slot. All other slots are full.

Architecture For Fun – Towneley Hall Burnley. Wednesday 11th September- This is a guided tour of the hall, gardens and much more. This is a new trip so places will go fast-see George or John to book

Art Appreciation Trip Sunday 28th July – Please be at coach in Maghull Square 8.45. The coach will be leaving at 9am prompt.