Architecture for fun – Shugborough

We are proposing a visit to the Shugborough Estate, Great Haywood, Staffordshire on Thursday 10th October 2019 , likely departure time 8.45am approx.

This will include return coach travel  from and to Maghull Square , entry to the estate , a tour of Shugborough Hall , a tour of Patrick Lichfields private apartment  , access to the grounds which include a model farm museum with rare breeds of farm animals , the estates brewery “Titanic Brewery” , gardens and much more.

Cost is £17.00 for NT members and £30.00 for non NT members

There are 2 places to eat on the estate at members own cost

Due to the level of interest , a larger coach has been booked , 

Tour now full , members meet at Maghull Square at 8.20am for 8.30am departure

Please see George Birchall or John Chapman at Architecture for Fun desk or call George on 07826 048379 or John on 07849 831623