Penblwydd Hapus Gwyneth Happy 90th Birthday Gwyneth

Cawsom barti arbennig yr wythnos diwethaf yn y grwp Cymraeg.  Cawsom gyfle i helpu ddathlu penblwydd Gwyneth yn 90 oed.  Bucks Fizz, cacen siocled, canhwyllau a blodau oedd trefn y dydd ac fe’u mwynhawyd gan bawb a oedd yn gallu dod. Rhannodd Gwyneth ei dathliad gyda’i merch Carolyn a oedd wedi dod o Cyprus yn arbennig. Dilynwyd y dathliad gan barti arall ar gyfer ffrindiau a teulu agos.

Bu’r U3A hefyd yn helpu i ddathlu pen-blwydd arbennig Gwynrth gyda chyflwyniad o blanhigyn hardd a cherdyn  gan Dot Brannigan, ein Cadeirydd.

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We had a special party last week in the Welsh Group. We were privileged to help celebrate Gwyneth’s 90th birthday. Bucks Fizz, chocolate cake, candles and flowers were the order of the day and enjoyed by all who were able to come. Gwyneth shared her celebration with her daughter Carolyn who had come over from Cyprus especially.
The celebration was followed by another party for close friends and family.
The U3A also helped celebrate Gwyneth’s special birthday with a presentation of a beautiful orchid plant and card by Dot Brannigan our Chair.
Many happy returns of the day Gwyneth.