Notices – 18/06/19

Dance Fit Friday Afternoons

We have places available in this popular group. It takes place on a Friday afternoon 2.30 to 15.15 at Maghull Leisure Centre. If you would like to take part please come to Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text Brenda on 07900525222.

Law for Fun

On 20th June 2019 John will talk through some of the basic components of our legal system ie sources of law, different types of court, basic criminal liability and the rules of evidence as they apply to confessions. John will also go through a high carriage miscarriage of justice case study (as suggested by a member) but will end the session on a “fun note.” Some members of the group are unable to make this session so we will advertise at Tuesday Coffee Morning. If you know of anyone that would like to attend ask them to come to Group Support table at coffee morning or text Brenda on 0790 0525222

Art Appreciation

Visit to Williamson Gallery Birkenhead on 19.6.19 – if travelling by public transport meet at Maghull Station for the 11.30 train.

Tai Chi

This is cancelled on 28 June

History for Fun

This is cancelled on 21 June as the venue is not available

Chester Arts Fair. Talent on view for all.

Saturday  November 16th

After giving  this exhibition a miss of late we are ready to go again.
We are visiting Chester Arts Fair , expect to see quite a few new artists this year.
It is a large venue and takes quite a few hours to get the best from what’s on offer.

Booking is essential at desk
Special rate for our group  £2.00

NB.  if  you cannot attend any visit you have put your name down for, can you please have the courtesy to inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members . Meet @ Maghull St. for 10.30 train.

Keith Haring @ Tate Lpool. October 2nd

We are surveying new fields with artist Keith Haring.

Part of the New York art scene of the 1980s, we will all have been around then, so lets see what was happening even if we were very busy rearing children.  It’s never too late to catch up!

Wednesday October 2nd
Meet at venue 1.30pm  Cafe on site.

entry  £7 conc. + tour £5    =  £12
members free   + tour £5    = £5.

Payment upon booking at desk Tuesdays please

NB.  if  you can not attend any  visit you have put your name down for can you please  have the courtesy to  inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .

Nordic Walking Monday Evening

Monday Evening Nordic Walking Group were blessed with a sunny evening when walking last night.  The group continues to improve and now regularly complete a five mile walk in 1.5 hours.  Five of the group have agreed to go on the Nordic Walking Leaders training which is provided by Active Sefton later this month.  Most weeks we have up to 16 members taking part.  We returned to Lydiate on 1st April and have been able to do a different walk each week since that date.  The aim is to see how many different walks we can find.   Next week we are getting the bus to Halsall and walking back along the canal to Lydiate weather permitting.  On 8th July we have decided to do a shorter walk in Maghull and have a get together after.  Appropriate photos will be added to website.!!!!  watch this space. To join this group you do need to complete a free 4 hour training course run by Active Sefton.  Details can be found on their website or visit the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning.  Poles are also available to borrow on each walk.

There is also a Nordic walk every other Monday morning more details are available from Group Support.