IMPORTANT Have just received the choice of meal slips for our 3 course meal at the Astley Bank Hotel on Wed.3rd July 2019.  Please try to come to Coffee Morning next Tues.11th to complete.  If you cannot then please ring 526 4665 to place your order.  Sorry about this but the Hotel has not left much time to complete the choices and get it to them.  Many thanks  Marj

History For Fun 21st June

The next meeting for History For Fun will take place on Friday 21st June 2019 at Kensington House (Old Conservative Club near Maghull Station) at 2.30 to 4.00 pm.

The group will continue to meet on the 3rd Friday of each month.  There will be a variety of topics and some lively discussions and input from all will be most welcome.

The topic on 21st will be British Eccentrics.

Further details can be obtained from Norman Stalford 531 9354