Family History – Open Day

Lydiate Village Centre   – Friday 7 June 2019 1.30-3.30

Rich or Poor?    Adopted?   How did they live?  Where?        When were they born?         Die?  In service?        Transported ?   Emigrated? Did they marry?   How many children?  

Soldier,  Sailor, Butcher, Candlestick maker?

Find how to answer all these questions and start YOUR Family Tree

Paperwork: births, marriage or death certificates will help you start your search.

Calligraphy Group update

Members interested in starting a Calligraphy Group have held a meeting and have agreed the following:

  • To hold monthly meetings
  • Group will start on Wednesday the 18th September and then on the third Wednesday of the month after that.
  • Meetings will initially be for 1 hour.  From 1pm to 2pm and they would not have a break.
  • The venue would be St Peters Hall (Remember there is parking round the back)

If you would like to join this group please come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning  for further details.

I would like to thank Ros Leith for chairing this meeting, and to Mary Prendergast for coming up with the idea.  This is what the U3A is all about, a group of people meeting and starting a group on a subject that interests them.

If you have any ideas for a new group come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday and we will try and make it happen.