Nordic Walking 5 mile walk

The weather last night was perfect for walking and 12  members turned up at Nordic Walking in Lydiate.  We completed a five walk in 1.5 hours, that’s 18 minute miles.  That is the longest walk we have completed on a Monday night so we must be getting fitter.

You do need to complete a short course  with Active Sefton before you can join the group.  Our walks in the summer are from Lydiate and are for 1.5 hours. Our walks in the winter are shorter and last for 1 hour.  We also offer an hourly walk every other Monday morning from the Maghull Meadows Leisure Centre.

Active Sefton have Nordic Walking groups most days of the week in different parts of the borough.  If you want more details go onto the Active Sefton website or visit the group support desk on a Tuesday morning

Rembrandt in print @ Lady Lever

September 5th

We are visiting Lady Lever for a viewing of the widely acclaimed master of the Dutch  Golden Age  and an unrivaled storyteller.

He was one of the most experimental Print makers of the 17th century.
We are privileged to see 50 of his most memorable works on loan
from The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

£1.00 donation upon booking please.

Meet at venue for 1.15 pm. or earlier if you want lunch at cafe.

N.B if  you can not attend any  visit you have put your name down for can you please  have the courtesy to  inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .

Print Maker at large in Kirkby

August 7th  ……………  1pm 

We are visiting Kirkby Gallery for an informative tour of this age old art.
Wood Cut.

Print Master Anthony Ratcilffe  is also available for classes £30.00 for a full day with a fully mounted work to take home,

What’s not to like?

Tour is free
When  booking at desk  £1.00 donation required for gallery.
Meet at venue

N.B if  you can not attend any  visit you have put your name down for can you please  have the courtesy to  inform Art Appreciation, at Tuesday meeting , by  email or by telephone as  this avoids unnecessary waiting and thus delaying the start of tour for other members .

thank you