Notices – 30/04/19

Practical Gardening

In view of the Bank Holiday next week our next meeting will take place on Monday 13 May (10.15 at Maghull Parish Hall) All welcome.

Books for South Africa Scheme

We have received a lovely letter of thanks from Storth Primary School in Cumbria through which (via George) members donated books for South Africa to support childrens’ learning. Thank you to all who donated.

Art Appreciation

There are a few spaces for Friday’s 1.15 pm free tour of Kirkby Gallery with artwork by such artists as Willy Russell available for sale. Please see Mo at the Art Appreciation table.

Walking groups.

Both groups will be out this Thursday 2nd May.

Easy walkers: meet at station to catch the 9:23 train to Ormskirk, then the bus to the Hesketh Arms pub, or meet at 10:20 at pub if driving there. 5 mile flat walk with option for meal at end.

Ramblers: Meet at Baptist church car park to organise car share leaving at 9:45. 7 mile walk on Beamers Trail, Witton Country park. Moderate walk with several very steep ascents and 12 stiles to negotiate. Meal at pub at end of walk.

Please can walkers in both groups show their new membership card to the leader at the start of the walk. Without a new U3A card our insurance is not valid.

Bird Watching

Thursday16th May,Guided tour of the RSPB reserve at Leighton Moss, Silverdale, LA5 0SW (Junction 35 M6). Meeting at the reserve 10.30am. Cost is £8 plus admission charge. If you are a member of the RSPB admission is free. Contact June Avery if you are interested. Telephone 526 9118 or email

Milk Bottle Tops

We are no longer collecting milk bottle tops to raise money to provide a defibrillator in Liverpool Schools, as the Company who have been organising this are no longer involved. If another link to this fund raising is identified we will update on notices.

Phone scam

One of our members has been scammed by a company offering Italian goods for ‘free.’ The items, which were delivered to her, weren’t free. Very understandably our member found the whole incident deeply upsetting and asked that this is passed on to members. Please be vigilant at all times

Danube Cruise

A cabin is available for this cruise. Please contact/see Jane Jones for more information

Bird Watching

Thursday 16th May guided tour of RSBP Leighton Moss Silverdale. Junction 35 M6. Please contact June Avery on 526 9118 for more information or email juneavery@btinternet.comn

Local History

Tuesday 7th May Diane Goodier will give a talk on ‘Vikings in Merseyside’. She will be dressed in Viking costume dress!!

London Marathon

Wanda has reported that her daughter Marie finished the London Marathon in 4 hours 40 minutes. Marie raised £2700 for Dementia charities within a total of £3 million pounds raised at the Marathon for those charities. Thank you to all who supported Marie