Nordic Walking 10th June

The Monday evening group will be walking  from Halsall to Lydiate along the canal on 10th June.  You would need to have been on the training for Nordic Walking to take part.  If you are interested come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222.

Law For Fun

The next meeting for this group is 20th June at Lydiate Villiage Hall. (not Parish Hall) at 2-4pm.  John has recommended the following :

These are excellent lectures and eclipses anything I could do!

The Reith Lectures – 2019: Jonathan Sumption, 1/5. Law’s Expanding Empire – @bbcradio4

The Reith Lectures – 2019: Jonathan Sumption, 2/5. In Praise of Politics – @bbcradio4

Some of the members of this group are away this month so if you would like to come to this meeting come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222

New Day Trip

Join us for a special day visit to Trentham Gardens, the Shopping Village and one of the largest Garden Centres in the country.  On arrival we will receive our day ticket which will entitle you to wander as you please.  In and out of the Gardens and Village.  See the wonderful Show Gardens, Italian Gardens, Upper Flower Gardens, etc. etc. All beautifully laid out.  As you stroll round can you spot the Fairy Trail with its’ interesting statues?  There is a boat which sails the Lake if you feel like taking a relaxing trip.  The lovely Shopping Village has an amazing choice, something for everyone and a big selection of eateries catering for every taste.  Don’t miss the fantastic Garden Centre

WHEN? Wed.2lst August 2019.  Dep. 9.15am  Ret.6pm Price: £20 includes entrance to Gardens.  Seats will be on sale at our table on Tues.4th June 2019..

Stockton Heath to Moore

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Fourteen walkers met at the London Bridge pub on the Bridgewater Canal at Stockton Heath. The weather was warm and sunny so coats were left in cars. The staff at the pub let us use their facilities and we chose our meals before setting off across the A49 and along Mitchell Street to the canal towpath at Thorne Marine. We walked along the canal Continue reading

Made on Merseyside

Kirkby Gallery will be hosting an exhibition this year celebrating industry in the local area – the goods produced here and the people who made them, sharing the stories of businesses large and small, past and present.

If you are interested in being involved in the Made on Merseyside exhibition at Kirkby Gallery, please contact Tina Ball on 0151 443 5617 or email by Friday 31 May 2019

Murder Mystery Walk in Chester

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Sunday Strollers decided to try something different this month. 18 of our members solved a mystery murder in Chester.  We split into 3 groups of 6. Group 1  got off to a flying start.  We started at St John the Baptists Church and the ruins next to it.  We had 22 clues in total to solve and we visited the Amphitheatre, River Side, Edgar Field Park.

Continue reading

Foodie Group Regional bakes

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The foodie group met yesterday and 3 of our members presented regional bakes. Jill  (who sadly could not join us but sent the most amazing bake) made a Shropshire Fidget Pie. In spite of extensive research, the history of this pie is unknown, but it is a genuine regional bake but with no provenance. It is thought it might have evolved in the same way as Cornish Pasties and Bedfordshire Clangers….filling pastry with meat and vegetables to use leftovers. Whatever its origins it was delicious! Continue reading

Family History – Open Day

Lydiate Village Centre   – Friday 7 June 2019 1.30-3.30

Rich or Poor?    Adopted?   How did they live?  Where?        When were they born?         Die?  In service?        Transported ?   Emigrated? Did they marry?   How many children?  

Soldier,  Sailor, Butcher, Candlestick maker?

Find how to answer all these questions and start YOUR Family Tree

Paperwork: births, marriage or death certificates will help you start your search.