if you want to apply for the free insurance policy for our Turkey n Tinsel visit to Scotland, in December, then please come to the Coffee Morning on Tues. next 9th April 2019 to complete your application form.  They then need to be sent off with the deposits.  This is the last chance to apply for this insurance. Thank you to all who have already done so.  Many thanks

Ramble through the Douglas Valley

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12 members of the Ramblers group set off from the top of Parbold Hill to undertake an 8 mile walk through the picturesque Douglas Valley. Although we are now in Spring, the day was very cold, which necessitated the walkers being well wrapped up with hats scarves and gloves as well as the usual walking gear. Peter and Ann had undertaken a recce of the walk last week and found the tracks to be clear and easy to negotiate. Today however, following the recent heavy rains, the paths were very muddy and there were a couple of near misses which thankfully did not result in anyone falling in the streams!  Continue reading

Caligraphy New Group

Up to now we have 9 people showing interest in joining this group.  We are at present looking for a suitable venue, and looking to start it on a Wednesday afternoon 2 to 4 pm.  If you are still interested or you would like to be added to the list can you see Brenda McKenzie on 16/4 at Group Support desk or text me on 07900525222

Active Sefton Walking program

Active Sefton held a launching event for their new Independent Walk Route pack on 3rd April.  The Mayor of Sefton attended and we were invited to give an overview of how we have worked with Active Sefton to provide groups for our members which include:

  • Nordic Walking
  • Cycling
  • Dance Fit

From 16/4 on the Group Support desk we will have copies of their latest pack of Independent Walk Routes which includes 12 walks from previous packs.  They will be producing a further pack later in the year with 12 new walks.  Also the new Sefton Spring Walking and Cycling newsletter is now available from the library and we have some copies



Law for Fun 18th April 2- 4pm

After the very popular taster session for this group interested members signed up to be part of this group.  The group at present is now full.  

“In the second meeting of the “Law for Fun” group, John Dilworth will explain how the Crown Prosecution Service works. In particular John will focus on the application of the Code for Crown Prosecutors. Members of the group will be presented with some scenarios to decide whether, if they were prosecutors, they would prosecute or not”

Notices – 02/04/18

Law for Fun

This group is now full

Two proposed new groups

Calligraphy and Guitar – let Brenda (McKenzie) know of your initial interest. We will have more information after renewals are completed

Membership renewals

These are in the Sanctuary 2nd April and next Tuesday the 9th from 9:45 to 10:45 am. Cheques are preferred if possible, or if cash please use a £5 note and only one £1 coin to assist the Treasury team transporting the money to the bank.

Walking groups

Both out on Thursday this week. Easy walkers 5 mile walk on Wirral way. Meet at Maghull station to catch 9:46 train. (Please note trains are running early due to the National being on)

Ramblers: 8 miles in Douglas Valley. Meet at Baptist church car park to leave at 9:45. Appropriate footwear for both walks.

Full details are on the noticeboard.

Local History

Tuesday 2nd April 2pm to 4 pm Mr Stuart Harrison will give a talk on Moss Side Hospital and the war hospital using slides. The group meet at Lydiate Village Hall

Serving the Nation’ – This book was written by our member Cliff Duncan and relates Cliffs’ experience of National Service during the 1950s in England, Libya and Sudan. A copy of the book can be downloaded from the internet or a hard copy can be borrowed from Cliff (please see Cliff at coffee morning).