Update 25th April £1140

Thank you again to all our members who have so generously sponsored Maria Mullin to run in the London Marathon on 28th April to raise money for Dementia Revolution.

With 3 days to go, you have donated £1140 to fund research to fight this dreadful disease.

She will be running in memory of her grandad George who enjoyed many happy years in our U3A before he died. So far she has raised more than £2500 altogether and after many months of training she will be joining thousands of other runners raising funds for charities. If you want to track her progress online on the day her running number is 56310.

If you would still like to help you can donate online here. For offline donations please see Wanda & Brian Leach.


Maths 4 Fun reminder

Please remember we have no meeting in May.

Wednesday 5th June 2.30  –  4.30 at Kensington House

We will continue to look at some fiendish puzzles and find that they are not so scary after all.

It’s easy when you know how!

All welcome.    Entrance £1

More info from Wanda Leach 284 8454 or
