Insurance – Important information

FREE INSURANCE – YORKSHIRE BREAK 29 – 3l May 2019 Regretfully, due to circumstances beyond our control, the Free Insurance Policy for this break, is not now available.  As some of our members have booked this, it is imperative if you require insurance, that you now make your own arrangements.  The free insurance still applies to the Turkey n Tinsel trip in December.  Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this misunderstanding will cause. Marj.


Law for Fun: 1st successful meeting of this new group

The first meeting of this new group took place this afternoon. A relatively new member of our U3A stepped up and took on the mantle of a new group. Thank you John for doing this! 52 people attended, which I think is a record for a new group. We were introduced to some of the 59 articles enshrined in law by the European Convention of Human rights, as well as hearing about the unconventional route John had taken to become a Barrister. The talk was lively and informative and was appreciated by the audience.The group will continue to be held in the afternoon of the 3rd Thursday each month. If you wish to continue to attend, or were unable to make this group but wish to join, please see Brenda McKenzie on the group support desk at the coffee morning.

Foodie group: Afternoon tea in the morning!

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The foodie group met this morning and as usual we had a great array of delectable treats to sample, made by group members. Traybakes of chocolate tiffin and lemon sponge were complimented by a vast array of scones. Members used different recipes, Mary Berry, Delia Smith and Good housekeeping, but no matter who the author was the results were delicious. We sampled cherry, lemon, sultana, strawberry and cream and cheese scones. A lovely afternoon tea as a substitute for lunch! Thank you this month’s bakers.  New members are always welcome at the group.

Sunday Strollers 17th March

15 walkers took the wind head on in Southport today.  The sun did come out and the rain stayed away but the cobwebs were definitely blown away!  The fish and chip lunch went down very well after our 3 mile steady walk.  We all agreed that we had never seen waves so high in the lake in Southport before it looked like the Mersey!.  You can see in the picture above.  Also we were all happy to following the notice that said “No Swimming”  Thank you to Margaret McLoughlin for leading the walk.

There is no walk next month as it is due on Easter Sunday.  Our next walk is on 19th May when we will be going to Chester.  This will be more of  “A Who Done It” .  We will find the answers to clues which can be found around Chester.  This is something new we are willing to try.  We will finish up having lunch and hopefully we will be successful in solving all the clues.  Travelling arrangements will be posted on this site nearer the time.



l. 3 days/2 nights D/B/B in the lovely County of Yorkshire includes excursions. Click on Day Trips for full details


2. Turkey n Tinsel Scotland 5 days/4 nights D/B/B. excursions and entertainment included. Click on Day Trips for full details




Sandstone Trail Ramble

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7 Ramblers completed a 9 mile trek yesterday on part of the Sandstone trail in Cheshire. Starting from the uniquely named Copper Mines Lane we spent 4 hours walking part of the linear route which is one of Julia Bradbury’s top 100 walks. Passing through the village of Burwardsley, we negotiated paths which were ankle deep in mud to ascend to the trig point at Rawhead, the highest point of the trail, at 746 feet above sea level.In spite of the recent rain, the day was sunny with bright skies, which meant we had amazing views across the Cheshire Plain into Wales from the tops of the hills and a great view of Beeston Castle from the valley floor..The varied route took us along country lanes, woodland paths  and several steep ascents, which made everyone  (except Alan) realise how unfit we all are after the winter period when walks have been more sedate. Returning to our start point we had a quick journey to the Bickerton Poacher, where a lovely late lunch and welcome drinks were thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to Alan for the recce and the great walk. Our next ramble is on Thursday 4th April, when we will be walking in the Douglas Valley.(This is an amendment of the advertised programme) Details will be posted in due course

12th March update £818

Thank you again to all our members who have so generously sponsored Maria Mullin to run in the London Marathon in April to raise money for Dementia Revolution.

So far you have raised £818 to help fund research to fight this dreadful disease.

She will be running in memory of her grandad George who enjoyed many happy years in our U3A before he died.

If you would still like to help you can donate online here. For offline donations please see Wanda & Brian Leach at Tuesday coffee mornings.