Sunday Strollers 17th March

15 walkers took the wind head on in Southport today.  The sun did come out and the rain stayed away but the cobwebs were definitely blown away!  The fish and chip lunch went down very well after our 3 mile steady walk.  We all agreed that we had never seen waves so high in the lake in Southport before it looked like the Mersey!.  You can see in the picture above.  Also we were all happy to following the notice that said “No Swimming”  Thank you to Margaret McLoughlin for leading the walk.

There is no walk next month as it is due on Easter Sunday.  Our next walk is on 19th May when we will be going to Chester.  This will be more of  “A Who Done It” .  We will find the answers to clues which can be found around Chester.  This is something new we are willing to try.  We will finish up having lunch and hopefully we will be successful in solving all the clues.  Travelling arrangements will be posted on this site nearer the time.