12th March update £818

Thank you again to all our members who have so generously sponsored Maria Mullin to run in the London Marathon in April to raise money for Dementia Revolution.

So far you have raised £818 to help fund research to fight this dreadful disease.

She will be running in memory of her grandad George who enjoyed many happy years in our U3A before he died.

If you would still like to help you can donate online here. For offline donations please see Wanda & Brian Leach at Tuesday coffee mornings.

New Group? Calligraphy Meeting 19/03

One of our members has donated a beginners book on Calligraphy and some starter sets.  We asked at the coffee morning yesterday if anyone is interesting in having a go.  We do not have a leader so it would be a group of people learning as they go,  Four people have already shown interest . So if you are interested please text or ring me (Brenda McKenzie) on 07900525222.  I plan to hold a meeting at the coffee morning next week at 10.45 at the Group Support desk for interested people, to see if we can move this group forward.