History for Fun

This month we had a fascinating talk on Isambard Kingdom Brunel presented by John Blundell.

Brunel was an outstanding engineer who built railways, bridges and tunnels.  He also built three ships, the largest of which the Great Eastern was scrapped and broken up on Merseyside. You still can see a piece of it in Liverpool to this day. Where?  If you had been at the meeting you would know !

Next meeting – Kensington House at  2.30pm 15th March

Subject : Stephen & Matilda (the forgotten civil war)

Sunday Strollers February walk

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The Sunday Strollers decided to stay local again and walked from the Old Roan back to Maghull along the canal.  After a great meal last month we decided to return to Scummies this time for a Hot Pot lunch, which got the thumbs up from everyone.  Nicky and her team really look after us and most of us were able to force seconds down!!!! The meal was excellent value.  Thank you Nicky.  We meet on the third Sunday of the month so our next walk will be on 17th March when Margaret Mcloughlin is leading a walk in Southport were we are hoping to have a fish and chip lunch after our walk.

Law for Fun 21st March

John Dilworth is one of our new members.  He is willing to start a new group which we are calling Law for Fun.  This is what John  has to say about the new Group

“I am a recently retired  Barrister. In the first session of “Law for Fun” I will share with you details of my unconventional journey into the law. I will also tell you about different roles I have had during 40 years within our Criminal Justice System. “Law for Fun” is probably something of a misnomer because law is a serious business. During my career I have dealt  cases that have impacted tragically on those involved. Law also involves conflict which is  rarely a good thing. Law can often be complex and at times mystifying. My aim will be to unravel some of the complexity  by talking to you about some legal topics that may be of interest to you. I hope that the talks will be inter active and that you ask lots of questions. By adopting this approach we can enjoy “Law for Fun”! Continue reading


This year is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre, when between 60,000-80,000 gathered at St.Peter’s Field, Manchester to demand the reform of Parliament Representation.  The National Trust is running a series of Power to the People events this coming year to celebrate this struggle.  We will be visiting the People’s History Museum, set in the cosmopolitan district of Spinningfields, Manchester, which charts the struggles which have helped to  secure equality and democracy.  Meet the Revolutionaries and Reformers.  The Galleries show us many social changes that have taken place as a result.   Demonstrations  by the Suffragettes, CND, Poll Tax Marches etc. etc. and are still doing so to-day with protests about Fracking, Brexit, NHS, Diversity etc. etc. Many people and Groups have fought for social justice.  This Museum inspires us to start thinking about the people who get involved. and how they have influenced our lives to-day. Continue reading

19th February update – Thank you for your support

As of this morning members have donated £399 to sponsor Maria Mullin, who will be running in the London Marathon in April to raise funds for Dementia Revolution, a joint campaign between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research to fund new medical research. This is the main charity of the London Marathon this year.

She will be running in memory of her grandad George Krzysztanowski who was an active member of our U3A for many years before he died.


If you would like to support Dementia Revolution by sponsoring Maria, you can donate online here.

For offline donations please see Wanda or Brian Leach at Tuesday coffee mornings.

Knowsley Open Art May 3rd

We are once again visiting  Kirkby Gallery which this year is hosting Knowsley Open  Art exhibition.

Artists from all over the region can enter and we have many talents on show.

Arts Exhibition. The Gallery Kirkby

meet at venue for 1.15 pm Friday 3rd May.

Donation of £1.00 upon booking

Please book at U3A  desk Tuesdays

Greenwich and Eltham Palace

A trip has been organised with the Art Appreciation Group to the above from Sunday 28th July until Tuesday 30th July.

We will visit Bletchley Park on the way to London on the 28th July. We will stay in the 4* Double Tree by Hilton Docklands for 2 nights bed and Breakfast

On 29th July we will visit Eltham Palace in the morning  and in the afternoon  , Dulwich Picture Gallery. On 30th July we will visit Greenwich , a World Heritage Site where members can visit various landmarks/buildings.

Cost is £260.00 per person with a £100.00 single supplement charge

Please see George Birchall on Architecture for Fun desk or Maureen Birchall on Art Appreciation desk

Ramble around West Kirby

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Margaret Schumacher led a lovely and varied 9 mile ramble around West Kirby, Thurstaston and Caldy today. The walkers stayed dry despite setting off by train from Maghull in pouring rain, which cleared by the start point of the walk. However the rain played havoc with some of the footpaths, and called for some tricky footwork. Our leader also displayed some excellent mountaineering skills! A good day was had by all. The next ramble is on Thursday 14th March, and will be part of the Cheshire Sandstone trail. Please note re-arranged date from that previously published.