This year is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre, when between 60,000-80,000 gathered at St.Peter’s Field, Manchester to demand the reform of Parliament Representation. The National Trust is running a series of Power to the People events this coming year to celebrate this struggle. We will be visiting the People’s History Museum, set in the cosmopolitan district of Spinningfields, Manchester, which charts the struggles which have helped to secure equality and democracy. Meet the Revolutionaries and Reformers. The Galleries show us many social changes that have taken place as a result. Demonstrations by the Suffragettes, CND, Poll Tax Marches etc. etc. and are still doing so to-day with protests about Fracking, Brexit, NHS, Diversity etc. etc. Many people and Groups have fought for social justice. This Museum inspires us to start thinking about the people who get involved. and how they have influenced our lives to-day. There will be time for coffee, lunch. Plenty of choice in the area including their own Left Bank Cafe with a lovely terrace overlooking the River Irwell. Then we are off to Gorton Mona
stery which is a former Franciscan Church and Friary. Rescued from demolition by inspired fund raising, this Pugin Designed masterpiece was one of the world’s top 100 endangered sites. It is now restored to its’ former glory and is used as a fantastic community asset for all kinds of events. We will have a talk, tea/cake and a chance to look round.
When?? Monday 29th April 2019. Dep.9.15am Ret.6pm. Price: £19 inc.Museum, Talk/tea/coffee/cake at the Monastery. Seats will be on sale at our table Tues.19th Feb.2019